AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile


HIS SERVICE. #HappySabbath! Bible Scholar. PhD/Qual.Research. LL.M w/minor in Public Policy. Friendly, Honest, Straight and Blunt.


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AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ben Fosters E It's always the bitter trolls with negative two followers that have the most to say. You went through setting up a troll account just to get blocked. Find a better way to use your time.

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2 Peter 3:3-9 "...knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” 5 For

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This tarnished earth and everything on it will be destroyed--nothing will remain. Even our worn, decaying bodies will stay behind. The only thing of true value will be our character. Let that be a reminder to focus on what truly matters and invest in refining it into the

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jesus warns that racial division is a signal His coming is near. Satan is aware that his time is running out, so he is exploiting racial issues to fuel hatred, through emotionally weak individuals. If people understood why God commands us to love and the impact hatred has on our

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Jin Saotome's Dangerous Toys E Your comments are stupid. Your attempt to belittle mixed race people only highlights your own ignorance. Respect and individuality aren’t defined by race, and your narrow-mindedness won’t change that.

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ride on, (ride on) King Jesus To Victory ride on, (ride on) In glory and power And Majesty sublime (Ride on), ride on, (ride on) King Jesus, to victory, (ride on) Till heaven and earth shall own Thee Lord O conquering One ride on, (ride on).

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Corey Keel E It’s deeply disappointing to read this from you, Sir, especially as a veteran, given that I hold veterans in such high regard. I’m truly hurt because I really respect veterans. Your post make me believe that maybe America just might be more racist than I had hoped. If you’re a

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This is coming from a military vet. My husband was a Navy veteran, and I’ve always held the men and women of the US Armed Forces in high regard. This is deeply troubling and hits hard.

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I’m called "Aunt Jemima," "C**n," "Ni**er," "Uncle T**," "Bed Wench" and every other racist name in the book, for speaking out and now I get this from someone on the other side. I don’t deserve this, especially from someone who follows me.

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Bible makes it clear that "Christ’s return will be personal, literal, visible, and audible," everyone will see Him when He comes. So if someone claims to have seen Him in Texas, the Bahamas, NYC, Africa, Florida, or anywhere else, don’t be fooled. You’ll know when He arrives;

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Christ is coming soon in the clouds, and we need to be ready for His return. We need to be without any spot or blemish. He says, "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What signs of Christ’s coming especially stand out to you in the world today? For me, it's the spiritualism. Never have I seen it at this level.

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Patti🇺🇸 I was married to a white man for over 20 years, and we would’ve stayed married if he hadn’t passed. I had three kids with him. My dad was adopted and raised by a white man from London, my sister’s married to a white man, and so are two of my cousins. And you think I don’t like

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jin Saotome's Dangerous Toys E God’s chosen people were Israelites, but they were never a "pure race" by your standards. The Bible is full of examples of different nations and people joining Israel, like Rahab and Ruth. God’s design is far more diverse than your narrow minded views. Confusing children isn’t

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@drshayphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jin Saotome's Dangerous Toys TrollOfDominica E Just like Beelzebub, cherry-picking Scripture to justify your hatred. Yes, there are differences among people, but Galatians 3:28 makes it clear: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” This verse is not about

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I pity the ninny who thinks dust comes in different colors. "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7