Muhammad Tariq (@drmohdtariq) 's Twitter Profile
Muhammad Tariq


Professor of Molecular Biology at LUMS| Epigenetics, Gene Regulation and Development| An optimist, an idealist, a perfectionist and a determined fighter

ID: 251763313

calendar_today13-02-2011 20:11:19

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308 Following

Maria.B: Woman=Adult Human Female (@realmariabutt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our Ummah is suffering D€ath and St@rvation 💔 ☪️ . First F@l@steen, Then L€bn0n and Y€m€n... And while our Ghaddar leaders of the Ummah do nothing... We will stand for our families... We will form the R€SISTANC€ ... Insha'Allah. Let us BOY(0TT FOR LIFE!!! stand firm so

Muhammad Imran Ahmed (@mastmast12) 's Twitter Profile Photo

*سب کُھلا علی حق پڑھیں سب* ورد نہئ ایک بار پڑھین یا گُماں سے پڑھیں پڑھین درد و دل و جان سے کہہ لگ پتا جائے کہہ علی حق ھے کیا

*سب کُھلا علی حق پڑھیں سب*

ورد نہئ 
ایک بار پڑھین یا گُماں سے پڑھیں
پڑھین درد و دل و جان سے
کہہ لگ پتا جائے کہہ علی حق ھے کیا
Mattias Martinsson (@tundra_cio) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meeting a legend. In 1954 Syed Babar Ali went to Stockholm and convinced Ruben Rausing to set up a JV with him in #Pakistan. Pakistan today remains one of Tetra Pak’s largest markets volume wise. Eventually Syed Babar Ali founded Milkpak (which became Nestle Pakistan), LUMS,

Meeting a legend.

In 1954 Syed Babar Ali went to Stockholm and convinced Ruben Rausing to set up a JV with him in #Pakistan. Pakistan today remains one of Tetra Pak’s largest markets volume wise. Eventually Syed Babar Ali founded Milkpak (which became Nestle Pakistan), LUMS,
Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) 's Twitter Profile Photo

One way you can tell the CIA is not behind the current protests in Pakistan is the total absence of any coverage in the Western press. Typically a pro-democracy movement like this against a military dictatorship is celebrated. But in this case the military is our ally so nada.

DR MUHAMMAD JAVED (@pagaldr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Part 4 جیسی کرنی ویسی بھرنی … So shell you reap ⭕️ LIVE DUA SESSION Oct ...… via YouTube

Saad Rasool (@saadrasooll) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Whatever happens in Pakistan hereon, must take place in the light of day. A secretly concluded political settlement, even by PTI, will not be acceptable to the people.

Mahrang Baloch (@mahrangbaloch_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I was barred from boarding a flight to New York in Sindh, the home province of BilawalBhuttoZardari , who portrays himself as a champion of democracy and human rights. Ironically, this violation of my rights is happening right under his watch. I was scheduled to attend an event

fatima bhutto (@fbhutto) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You wouldn’t know from this tweet that over 300,000 Palestinians had been butchered in a year long genocide and more children murdered in Gaza than any conflict over the last 20 years

Mushahid Hussain Sayed (@mushahid) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What a Shame, this travel advisory, warning of dangers of travel to Pakistan, is not emanating from Washington or London, but from Beijing, our next-door neighbour & Strategic Partner! China has huge investments in strife-torn Nigeria & Congo, but never have we witnessed there 19

What a Shame, this travel advisory, warning of dangers of travel to Pakistan, is not emanating from Washington or London, but from Beijing, our next-door neighbour & Strategic Partner! China has huge investments in strife-torn Nigeria & Congo, but never have we witnessed there 19
Sabieh Anwar (@anwarsabieh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Imagine when this voice, Zamzam's voice, will be heard by all of us on the Day of Judgment, when everyone will be held accountable to how they responded to this massacre and whose side they took. Just imagine! Al-Sissi, Abdullah, MBS, do you even exist?