Keon Gilbert
@SLU Public Health Faculty @BrookingsInst Rubenstein Fellow Black Men's Health Scholar & Advocate. Each tweet is my own.
ID: 1352854820
14-04-2013 21:40:56
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Thanks to Dr. Ray Dr. Rashawn Ray guest hosting the Laura Coates @SXMPOTUS show today for the opportunity to chat about this recent work w/@GabrielSanchez Camille Busette Brookings Governance The Brookings Institution

This looks about right ! Lol Dr. Rashawn Ray Melody Goodman Darrell Hudson Odis Johnson Jr.

Today I’m glad to announce the new Center for Public Theology & Public Policy at Yale Divinity School. This new Center will prepare a new generation of moral leaders to be active participants in creating a just society. theologyandpolicy.yale.edu

Tune in to listen to this great conversation with Camara Jones and Arden about strategies for anti-racism in public health ! Kathleen Roe

Congratulations Dr. Rashawn Ray

Amazing opportunity to chat about health & healthcare equity with Brian Smedley on the TheHPPJournal podcast! Brookings Governance SLU College for Public Health & Social Justice Institute for Healing Justice & Equity at SLU

Great conversation with Darrell Hudson for TheHPPJournal about contemporary racism! Institute for Healing Justice & Equity at SLU Brookings Governance SLU College for Public Health & Social Justice

Adding this to the reading list ! Rachel W. Goode

Black teachers’ experiences w/ anti-Blackness Jessica Lee Stovall

New publication alert! Led by Dr. Isha Metzger we outline the importance of measuring social & mass media in the tenure & promotion process! For many of us, social & mass media is used to disseminate our research findings to real people. Send to your Deans! palgrave.com/gp/journal/413…

✨📚I can’t believe it’s already publication day! I am so thankful to everyone who made this possible—my family, friends, literary agent, editor, assistants & especially the contributors! It takes a village. I hope you’ll check it out. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 W. W. Norton & Company wwnorton.com/books/97813240…