Helen Sharpe
Senior lecturer @ University of Edinburgh | Interested in understanding and preventing child and adolescent mental health problems | Co-lead @EDIFYresearch
ID: 112472110
08-02-2010 16:34:41
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Are you looking for a research assistant job in eating disorders? We have a 15 month full-time RA post, looking at the impact of calorie labels on people with eating disorders. Join our fab team, including Nora Trompeter Fiona Duffy Dasha Nicholls kcl.ac.uk/jobs/078766-re…

We are delighted to announce our keynote speaker for #EMH2024! 📢 Professor Jennifer Lau Queen Mary University of London will be joining us in Edinburgh on 22nd April 2024 to explore this year's theme 'Navigating Mental Health Research: Uncertainty, Action and Change' 👇

🧠 Currently recruiting for my doctoral thesis exploring risk factors for binge eating! 🧠 If you are interested in taking part please see the poster below to see if you are eligible. You also need to be 18+ and live in the UK. edinburgh.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e9… Eating Disorders and Behaviours Research Group

🚨 NEW RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES 🚨 Do you want to help researchers from EDIFYresearch understand more about eating disorders? We’ve got a few research opportunities you can get involved in on our website if so!

Please consider taking part! Or share if you can 😊 Email: [email protected] for more info