Dr. Gabriela “Gaby” Rivas (@drgabyrivas) 's Twitter Profile
Dr. Gabriela “Gaby” Rivas


Asst. Principal @APSGunston • ‘23 AP of the Year @APSVirginia•Work hard•Be kind•Make a difference•Opinions my own

ID: 334184429

calendar_today12-07-2011 18:11:36

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Dr. Gabriela “Gaby” Rivas (@drgabyrivas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Back to school for teachers in our district! May this week be full of joy and excitement as you prepare to welcome your students for the 24-25 school year! You got this!! APSGunston Carolyn Ruth Jackson

Dr. Sharon Gaston (@drshaga1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

APSGunston students navigating how to open their lockers. They’ll be old hands at it by the end of next week😄👍🏾#Happy #LaborDayWeekend 🇺🇸

<a href="/APSGunston/">APSGunston</a> students navigating how to open their lockers. They’ll be old hands at it by the end of next week😄👍🏾#Happy #LaborDayWeekend 🇺🇸
Francisco Durán, Ed.D. (@suptduran) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I had an inspiring visit to APSGunston! It was great to see Spanish immersion in action, observe the Mental Health Collaborative Learning Team (CLT), and meet one of Gunston’s future leaders, Jamie. Thank you to Principal Carolyn Ruth Jackson for showing me around! #APSisAwesome