dorothy matrale
ID: 498238963
20-02-2012 20:52:30
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Final clap out for @Audreymbaker . We are proud of the hard work you have done and the difference you have made. Wishing you all the best in this next phase of life. Happy Retirement! dorothy matrale @VPMasarik1 Mrs. Fazio 💜 The Bridge #highschoolnurses #schoolnurse

Mr. Updegraff was a bright light for over 20 years at OBHS, fighting until the very end. However, fighting hard also means hefty bills. If you can only donate a small amount, it would help immensely with expenses. Rest in peace, Up. gofund.me/dad0ebcc David Cittadino

Twin day turned into triplets in the health office! The Bridge Mrs. Fazio 💜 OBHS Announcements dorothy matrale #partofanepicteam #schoolnurses #twinday

The OBHS Nurses love and appreciate our amazing school counselors! OBHSGuidance Mrs. Fazio 💜 dorothy matrale nina @VPMasarik1 OBHS Announcements The Bridge

We love our students and appreciate the Valentines Day Surprise ❤️ dorothy matrale nina Mrs. Fazio 💜 The Bridge OBHS Announcements

An absolute DREAM come true! We visited LifeTown NJ This was an unforgettable experience for our students & we cannot wait for our next visit! Thank you to our nurses, admin, supervisors, teachers & paras who made this trip possible! David Cittadino James Tuohy, Ed.D. Christine Dougherty

Our nurses run on Disney magic and some help from Dr. Sasso ✨🧚🏻🏰💫 OB23DisneyTrip dorothy matrale

Let the shenanigans begin … Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 🍀 nina dorothy matrale Mrs. Fazio 💜 Mr. Bill @VPMasarik1 @OliveriVP OBHS Announcements The Bridge Knight Life OnLine

OBHS nursing dream team ✨🩺 💜#goknights dorothy matrale Jodi Smith nina Mrs. Fazio 💜 Mr. Bill @OliveriVP @VPMasarik1 The Bridge David Cittadino Kathleen Hoeker

Old Bridge District nurses annual end of the year party! We sure make a great team! 🩺 dorothy matrale Jodi Smith nina Mrs. Stacy Ritz Mrs.Marques Ms. Pam Crispino, MSN, RN, CSN @Audreymbaker The Bridge Kathleen Hoeker

Congratulations to our nursing scholarship recipient, Gianna Tuso! You are going to be a great nurse one day, best of luck! dorothy matrale Jodi Smith Mrs. Fazio 💜 The Bridge OBHS Class of 2023 Kathleen Hoeker

Have a safe and healthy summer!!! ☀️🩺🌊🌴💜dorothy matrale nina Jodi Smith Mrs. Fazio 💜 The Bridge

Aloha from the nurse’s office 🌺☀️🩺David Cittadino Mr. Bill Mrs. Fazio 💜 @OliveriVP The Bridge dorothy matrale Jodi Smith

It’s Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Thank you to our law enforcement to making a difference every single day at OBHS! dorothy matrale Mrs. Fazio 💜 Mr. Bill The Bridge Old Bridge Township OBHS Announcements Old Bridge Police NJ Knight Life OnLine David Cittadino

Yearly screenings being done on our super super super seniors today! Happy 100th day of school! Lori Obdyke dorothy matrale Mr. Bill Mrs. Fazio 💜 The Bridge OBHS Class of 2024 SenateOB

REMINDER!! Senior Disney trip medication drop off is Monday, February 26, 4:30-7:30pm. If you have any questions please call the health office. OBHS Class of 2024 OBHS Announcements Coach Donaghue Miss Tos Mr. Bill dorothy matrale Jodi Smith Knight Life OnLine The Bridge