Domenico Giannone
ID: 452651766
https://econ.washington.edu/people/domenico-giannone 02-01-2012 03:11:39
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Domenico Giannone and I have recently presented our work on "The drivers of post-pandemic inflation" at the ECB Forum on Central Banking in Sintra. Paper: faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu/gep575/DemandD… Video of the presentation: youtu.be/qvhP65obBy0 The paper answers 4 questions:

I am following up on my thread about the "The drivers of post-pandemic inflation," a paper I have written with Domenico Giannone. Here are some of the reactions to the paper, including criticisms:

1/3 Commodity prices respond to many specific factors affecting supply and demand in individual markets. Global economic activity also plays a big role as the demand for commodities is closely tied to the global business cycle. Domenico Giannone Giorgio Primiceri Chris Giles

2/3 Domenico Giannone Laurent Ferrara and I show in our JAE paper that a common factor - closely link to demand conditions - captures the bulk of commodity price variations, especially since the 2000s. ecb.europa.eu/press/research…

SIdE and Luca Fanelli are organizing the 2025 edition of the Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics - May 29-31, University of Palermo. Keynote speakers: Paola Sapienza and Domenico Giannone . Info on deadlines/paper submission: side-iea.it/events/iceee/i…

Submissions to the 11th ICEEE 2025, Palermo are now open! Invited speakers: Papla Sapienza (Northwestern) Domenico Giannone (IMF) Chairs of Scientific PC: Mario Forni Luca Gambetti side-iea.it/events/iceee/i…

New CEPR Discussion Paper - DP19377 The Drivers of Post-Pandemic #Inflation Domenico Giannone Domenico Giannone IMF University of Washington, Giorgio Primiceri Giorgio Primiceri Northwestern Economics Northwestern ow.ly/252E50T23l8 #CEPR_MEF #economics

The behavior of post-pandemic inflation was nearly identical in the US and the Euro area. In both cases, it was mainly driven by unexpectedly strong demand forces, from Domenico Giannone and Giorgio Primiceri nber.org/papers/w32859