Associate Professor Samantha Loi, MD, PhD
Dr Shrink - neuropsychiatrist, old age psychiatrist, clinician-researcher, mum and advocate of asylum seekers. Views my own #YOD #Neuropsychiatry @UniMelbMDHS
ID: 1319930822
https://findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/profile/435364-samantha-loi#:~:text=Dr%20Samantha%20Loi%20is%20a 01-04-2013 08:39:10
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Pleased to share our paper on a support group for carers of those living with #PCA Some nice outcomes of people feeling more connected + learning more. Well done Dr Alex on your first first author pub Brain Sciences MDPI Wendy Kelso Camille Paynter den vel mdpi.com/1660-4601/21/4…

Fab new review looking at sex & gender differences in resilience in AD. Great leadership from Eider Arenaza-Urquijo 👇