Mario Martínez-Galdámez
Interventional Neuroradiologist, MD, FEBNI. @NightmaresSumm1 @quironsalud
ID: 222207413 02-12-2010 19:21:07
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Do you treat ruptured aneurysms with coated flow diverters? Omid Nikoubashman, Dr. Goertz et al. share their study of 60 treated aneurysms. There were 3 symptomatic ischemic strokes in this series despite the coating and antithrombotics. New publication!
Optimal Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Duration For Carotid Artery Stenting On the Basis of Angioscopic Findings | Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology… Stroke AHA/ASA Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology SVIN
"Contrast Staining in Noninfarcted Tissue after Endovascular Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke"… #Stroke #FellowsJournalClub Mohamad AbdalKader; Thanh Nguyen 🇺🇦
Luff et al. analyze subtypes of ICH after MT in the ASSIST Registry. Results highlight limitations in current hemorrhagic subtype reporting and sICH definitions, which may spur new methods of characterizing ICH after MT. David S Liebeskind #thrombectomy
Thank you for all of the amazing work on the journal Felipe C. Albuquerque JNIS is an amazing body of work! #SNIS2024 @SNISInfo ESMINT Society CV Section Felipe C. Albuquerque @cruzcerebri Dr. DiestroKE Matthew Amans Andrew Ducruet @MattFuscoMD Dorothea Altschul MD FAHA FSVIN
Femoral or radial access for MMA embolization? Is there a difference? Both can offer comparable results with slightly longer procedural duration radially and slightly better radiographic success with femoral access. Jan-Karl Burkhardt, MD #MMA
Article Commentary: “How Clot Composition Influences Fibrinolysis in the Acute Phase of Stroke” In this #BloggingStroke post, Antonella Potenza discusses #Stroke article by Doche et al. #AHAJournals AP-HM - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Marseille…
Jens Fiehler, Matthew Gounis, et al recommend standardization of measurements and outcome reporting in aneurysm flow diversion treatment reporting to promote communication and research development #aneurysms #flowdiversion