Deroche Véronique
Psychobiology Scientist / Vulnerability / Addiction / INSERM Research Director / University of Bordeaux / Desperately Optimistic
ID: 1040133183851900928
13-09-2018 07:00:50
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5 PhD fellowships in 🧠Neuropsychopharmacology at the University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy. Research topics: unicam.it/sites/default/… 💡 You can apply here: isas.unicam.it/phd-program-th… Application Deadline: ❗ July 29th 2024 Info contact: [email protected]

Le cerveau tout au long de la vie 🧠 Découvrez à travers cet article le Bordeaux Neurocampus, lieu incontournable de la recherche en #neurosciences. Bordeaux Neurocampus CNRS 🌍 Université de Bordeaux CNRS Biologie Inserm INRAE 👉 u-bordeaux.fr/actualites/le-…

New paper alert! Our research describing the role of Nucleus Accumbens Shell in punishment-resistant alcohol self-administration is out now in Neuropsychopharmacology. Huge effort from first author Allison McDonald, and the many coauthors who helped. rdcu.be/dPp1x

I'm happy to see that we contributed to the 'Atmosphere' of #FENS2024 flickr.com/photos/1961684… Rixt van der Veen @Hlesscher

Triathlon de Saint-Jean de Luz Whaouuu to Dana Conlisk!!! 6th in her category 🤩 🏆 pb-organisation.com/resultats/tria… 🏊🚴🏃

A X account to follow Special message for Anna Beyeler 🇺🇦 🐣

Thank you to our instructors (here Luigi and Jeff)!! Thank you Twinning_TrePsy Inserm Université de Bordeaux for the support Neurocentre Magendie and #OptoPath for hosting the workshop

The Bordeaux Twinning_TrePsy Bordeaux workshop is over, but we will keep in touch! Thanks again to Cyril Herry Lab and especially Julien Courtin, Marsicano Lab and especially Luigi Bellocchio, to Deroche team's members and especially Dana Conlisk and Jean-Francois Fiancette

TrePsy School in #Bordeaux organized by the Neurocentre Magendie has just finished! Lasting 5 days (23-27 Sept.) School on “In vivo & in vitro recording of neuronal basis of physiological and pathological behaviors in rodents” gathered 15 young scientists. Thank you for your effort!

Our team is recruiting grad students interested in using calcium imaging & in vivo ephys to study how the hippocampus prefrontal cortex and PAG dynamically control defensive behaviours Dec 1 deadline psych.utoronto.ca/graduate rozeskelab.org University of Toronto University of Toronto Scarborough

Loving my time at #SFN24 in Chicago! I have a special love for SFN.. so much interesting science (almost too much)! Grateful for Deroche Véronique for giving me the opportunity to come ☺️👍🏼