Deidra Harris
AKA Instructional Support Facilitator Mom Wife
ID: 235023714
07-01-2011 04:39:02
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Via Kim Bearden: So this happened… The first day of school always starts with a celebration, and I accepted a little challenge. Yes, that is some @bustarhymes! 🔥 Grateful to kick off my 37th year of teaching surrounded by love. #ronclarkacademy #FirstDayOfSchool

"Some days we just need a few minutes to reset and relax. Our small office reset/calming space offers that for students when they need a break." ––Principal Erin Eaton x.com/erineaton33/st…

Day 2 of our Leadership Immersion Institute, and Jayne Ellspermann National Assoc. of Elementary School Principals continued to drive home great leadership lessons for reflection and action with our protégés moving forward The School District of Palm Beach County. #NAESPLLC #PillarsAndPractices

T Ginger Aaron-Brush encourages deep conversations between Ss, right from day 1. 🎲 #StudentVoice