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Thank you Miami Football for the game day invite. Nick Bizzieri Michael Passarella Coach Petros OL MAFIA Prep Redzone Illinois

Thank you Illinois Football for the game day invite. Nick Bizzieri Michael Passarella Coach Petros Grant Borsch OL MAFIA Timothy “EDGYTIM” OHalloran Prep Redzone Illinois

Thank you Six Star Football | PLUS+ for the write up. DePaulPrepFB Michael Passarella Coach Petros

Great week 1 and 2 wins with a combine score of 80 to 6 excited for a great rest of the season QBHitList.com Prep Redzone Illinois Six Star Football | PLUS+ Tom Lemming Timothy “EDGYTIM” OHalloran DEEP DISH FOOTBALL QBUniverse Greg Holcomb QBIQ™️ Quarterback Magazine hudl.com/v/2Q33eA

Week 2 highlights vs Marian Central Catholic. Great team win overall. Looking forward to getting ready for our next opponent. DePaulPrepFB Michael Passarella Nick Bizzieri Coach Petros OL MAFIA Timothy “EDGYTIM” OHalloran Prep Redzone Illinois hudl.com/v/2Q3Wrh

Week 2 highlights vs Marian Central Catholic. We won 35-7. Check out my highlight - hudl.com/v/2Q3bZf Michael Passarella Grant Borsch Coach Petros Nick Bizzieri OL MAFIA Prep Redzone Illinois Timothy “EDGYTIM” OHalloran

Marian central highlights Defensive line highlights Check out my highlight - hudl.com/v/2Q3Qzm Michael PassarellaMichael Buchanan New Era

Here are my snapping highlights from another DePaulPrepFB win 35-7 over Marian Central Catholic. Punt Snaps (14 yards): 2/2 PAT Snaps: 6/6 (5 PATs, 1 missed FG) Michael Passarella Coach Petros Nick Bizzieri Grant Borsch Timothy “EDGYTIM” OHalloran DEEP DISH FOOTBALL Prep Redzone Illinois hudl.com/video/3/178348…

Big Win Friday to improve to 2-0 going for 307 passing yds and 2 passing touchdowns. Onto the next! Prep Redzone Illinois Timothy “EDGYTIM” OHalloran Tom Lemming Jake Lemming

Here’s week 2 my highlights. 184yrds 5rec 2tds !!!! DePaulPrepFB DePaul Prep Athletics Michael Passarella Coach Petros Prep Redzone Illinois Timothy “EDGYTIM” OHalloran hudl.com/v/2Q32Wd

Thank you Six Star Football | PLUS+ for the write up. Coach Petros Michael Passarella Grant Borsch Nick Bizzieri OL MAFIA Prep Redzone Illinois

Thank you Markhus Taylor for the game day invite. DePaulPrepFB Michael Passarella Nick Bizzieri Coach Petros OL MAFIA Timothy “EDGYTIM” OHalloran Prep Redzone Illinois

Thank you for the Gameday Invite‼️NIU Football DePaulPrepFB Nick Benedetto Andy Wang Adam Breske Jordan Gigli Coach Nathan Palmer Coach Kai Ross

I will be at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign this Saturday for their game against CMU OL MAFIA Michael Passarella Nick Bizzieri Grant Borsch Coach Petros Prep Redzone Illinois