Biomedical and Molecular Sciences is home to world class research and education at Queen’s U
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http://dbms.queensu.ca 13-07-2019 12:57:47
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"Researchers from SEMC & SosaLab report kinesin-8s alternating promotility and pro-microtubule-depolymerization states via their tubulin shape-sensing loop-2 region. John Allingham Matthieu Benoit Queen's University #CryoEM #kinesin #microtubules go.nature.com/3zX6ojS
Understanding the busy networks inside our cells can help researchers develop new #cancer treatments and prevent dangerous fungal #infections. Read the full story: lightsource.ca/public/news/20… Queen's University Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Official QUbiomed Queen's Health Sciences CIHR NSERC / CRSNG NIH
#Queensu Harriet Feilotter received funding from Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) to help hospitals in finding the best way to test tumours for #cancer biomarkers. A centralized lab will improve how Ontario makes genetic research available to cancer patients. Learn more: bit.ly/3JQG3an
Seeking volunteers to host research or neuro information booths at our event on Saturday August 28th! If you want to showcase your research or a neuro topic at our August 28th #NeurRun, please email [email protected] with your ideas! #ygk Queen's U Department of Medicine Queen's Health Sciences QueensSGPS
Celebrating Emma LeBlanc’s recent Scientific Reports paper with some personalized swag courtesy of Christopher Lohans! 🥂 (Don’t worry, the mugs are still empty - we’re not drinking in the lab!)
A spooky day in the Craig lab🎃👻💀Queen's University Queen's Health Sciences QUbiomed
Hats off to all of these folks for making the 2022 DBMS Faculty Retreat on education and research an enjoyable and idea-rich experience!! Queen's Health Sciences
“Neurons communicate with immune cells with many more signals than we thought,” Dr. Sebastien Talbot (@UdeMTalbotLab) comments on recent research regarding how immune responses could be connected to pain in The Washington Post: washingtonpost.com/wellness/2023/…
Very happy to share the latest from our lab by Mitchell Jeffs ! A cell-based assay that tests beta-lactamase inhibitors against beta-lactamase-producing bacteria rather than purified enzymes (evaluating factors such as cell wall permeability, etc) #AMR Queen's Health Sciences QUbiomed