David Merrill (@davidmerrill21) 's Twitter Profile
David Merrill



ID: 1885792478

calendar_today20-09-2013 08:07:50

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Richard Murphy (@richardjmurphy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why is modern monetary theory so important? youtu.be/DKoQAYPU_rE?si… Some people argue that modern monetary theory is irrelevant or that it changes nothing. They’re wrong. MMT fundamentally reframes the power relationships within our economy, moving power away from banking and the

Sheridan Kates 🕊️ (@sheridanvk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The global financial crisis had nothing to do with govt spending, it was cascading failures of *private* junk debt (mortgage-backed securities). It makes me so angry that people like this are running things - come learn about how we can do this better ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/publi…

David Joy (@davidjoyad1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Persistently high inequality post-Thatcher has severely damaged democracy It took the rise of the unions/Labour, two world wars & a depression+ Keynesian econ to reverse before The rise of a new left, using MMT & ecological econ in an era of climate change can restore democracy

Larry Sanders (@sanders4health) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why should Sharon Graham Of Unite think for a minute that the current Labour Party and government have any intention of making things better for pensioners, children or anyone other than Starmer's donors?

Sheridan Kates 🕊️ (@sheridanvk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Finally some real challenges on Question Time! Come to this screening of FINDING THE MONEY Film and hear from Mariana Mazzucato’s colleagues on exactly how govts create money (the borrowing part comes afterwards!), and from Zack Polanski on implications for politics ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/publi…

Gower Initiative for Modern Money Studies (@gowerinitiative) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mariana Mazzucato BBC Question Time Thank you for making the case that the U.K. government is not like a household and highlighting the costly societal consequences of austerity. The BBC have a public duty to inform people truthfully, as public fear over borrowing and deficits are destroying lives and prosperity.

David Merrill (@davidmerrill21) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Time for new thinking on public finance as we start the reign of a new Government. The Gower Initiative is a key voice in the public debate on this topic. Time to burst the bubble of conventional thinking.

David Merrill (@davidmerrill21) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ain't no problem, as you know, Eddy. For those unsure and living in or near London, come see this film. It has all the explanation you need.

Ain't no problem, as you know, Eddy.  For those unsure and living in or near London, come see this film.  It has all the explanation you need.
David Merrill (@davidmerrill21) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Instead, check out the economics of the many not these finance and energy industry lobbyists. Come to this event at UCL on 3 October. (Excuse the trolling.)

Instead, check out the economics of the many not these finance and energy industry lobbyists. Come to this event at UCL on 3 October.  (Excuse the trolling.)
David Merrill (@davidmerrill21) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Working class power depends on having a parliamentary majority that understands Britain's true fiscal capacity, see below, and makes use of this capacity for the public purpose, see below.

Working class power depends on having a parliamentary majority that understands Britain's true fiscal capacity, see below, and makes use of this capacity for the public purpose, see below.
David Merrill (@davidmerrill21) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you want to hear Patricia develop her thoughts further on our Government's fiscal capacity come to this film event, at which she will be part of the panel handling the Q&A afterwards.

If you want to hear Patricia develop her thoughts further on our Government's fiscal capacity come to this film event, at which she will be part of the panel handling the Q&A afterwards.
David Merrill (@davidmerrill21) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I was there. Nelson was incredible. Not only a hugely effective leader of her union but also a major champion of MMT thinking. Also a friend of Stephanie Kelton who is the star of the following film which is coming to London on 3 October. See you there.

I was there.  Nelson was incredible.  Not only a hugely effective leader of her union but also a major champion of MMT thinking.  Also a friend of Stephanie Kelton who is the star of the following film which is coming to London on 3 October.  See you there.
David Merrill (@davidmerrill21) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am not disinterested but Patricia gave a compelling case at this conference for why we need to rethink the conventional view of our country's fiscal capacity. There are no fiscal constraints just real resource constraints. Her whole panel on Class and Labour was excellent.

Gregory S. Moss (@gregorysmoss2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In case you missed it! Some inspiring talks by Stephen Houlgate, Robb Dunphy, Robert Bergman, and Richard Winfield. All the talks engaged the work of William Maker and the theme of foundation free philosophy. m.youtube.com/watch?v=FvD0R1…