DASHH Interdisciplinary Helmholtz Graduate School
#DASHH does #DataScience in Hamburg - research for the structure of matter at world-leading large-scale research facilities.
ID: 1460183046917926912
15-11-2021 09:50:09
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What an amazing result! HIDA has been evaluated during the last two days & the panel strongly recommends our continuation 🥳 A big THANK YOU to the panel, our supporters and guests. Tonight, we celebrate, tomorrow, we continue our work for data scientists HelmholtzAssociation & beyond

On 17 August, HIDA is organizing an information event on the funding opportunities for PhD students and postdocs who would like to apply for a short-term research stay at one of the HelmholtzAssociation Centers! Register now! helmholtz-hida.de/en/events/hida…

Come join us at CSSB! Several of our partners are hiring for positions at CSSB. Data Science Specialist LIV Student Assistant for IT HelpDesk DESY (Deutsch) Biological Laboratory Technician FZ Borstel Research Assistant/PhD FZ Borstel For more information: cssb-hamburg.de/about_us/caree…

Machine Learning has revolutionized medical image analysis. Lukas Klein gives an introduction to relevant concepts with focus on computer vision. This talk is part of the course package "Machine Learning-based Image Analysis" at the Incubator Summer Academy events.hifis.net/event/858/prog…

Our DASHH Interdisciplinary Helmholtz Graduate School student Sebastian showing off his interdisciplinary work on improving and applying uncertainty sampling for physics problems. Slides at: indico.in2p3.fr/event/30589/co…