Durham Culture County
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http://www.durhamculturecounty.co.uk 09-08-2021 09:57:35
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🖼️ 📢 Calling all local artists! Bishop Town Hall is welcoming applications for its annual Open Art Exhibition, opening this Dec. Artists who live, work or study in the county can apply to show up to 3 pieces of artwork. Find out more: lnk.bio/s/BishOpenArt #DurhamCultureCounty

Head of locomotion Sarah Price spoke to the Culture County about how brilliant it is to have the worlds most famous locomotive Locomotion and hopes the Flying Scotsman's visit will encourage visitors to spend more time in Durham🚂 #flyingscotsman #durhamculturecounty

One of The Bowes Museum's Canalettos has gone on show in a prestigious international touring exhibition in Japan🖼️ Helping to connect County Durham and Japan,The Regatta on the Grand Canal painting will return to The Bowes Museum in summer 2025. #DurhamCultureCounty

The Durham Book Festival 2024 returns later this year! 📚 Discover new authors and old favourites, starting from the 10th to the 13th of October, as Durham city will host more than 35 events. Discover more about Durham Book Festival: Lnk.bio/s/durhambookfe… #durhamculturecounty

How to drive the worlds most famous Locomotive🚂 Anthony Coulls the National Railway Museum’s Senior Curator explains how to drive the legendary loco. As the Flying Scotsman gets set to depart the Culture County after a busy summer program at Locomotion. #DurhamCultureCounty

10 years, over 330,000 creative moments of joy occupying every kind of space. THIS amazing community raising their collective voices. A new name & countywide remit. Co Durham Co Created. Excited to announce another year of No More Nowt Arts Council England ACE North #CreateYourPlace