Craig Boyer (@craigboyer18) 's Twitter Profile
Craig Boyer


ID: 1453206032096845825

calendar_today27-10-2021 03:45:13

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87 Following

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We would like to thank Devon Fink-Wilkes University Coach Devon Fink , Eli Kosanovich-RPI Eli Kosanovich , Billy Crocker-Eastern University Billy Crocker , and Mike Hoyt-Gettysburg Mike Hoyt for their visit and talking with head coach Mike Boyer about their recruiting processes.

We would like to thank Devon Fink-Wilkes University <a href="/CoachDFink/">Coach Devon Fink</a> , Eli Kosanovich-RPI <a href="/CoachKosanovich/">Eli Kosanovich</a> , Billy Crocker-Eastern University <a href="/Coach_Crock/">Billy Crocker</a> , and Mike Hoyt-Gettysburg <a href="/CoachHoytGC/">Mike Hoyt</a> for their visit and talking with head coach Mike Boyer about their recruiting processes.
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Hill Football 2023 via YouTube Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more upcoming content for our 2023 season. Highlights, player info, and more.

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Congratulations to Artem Kyselov ‘24 for being selected to the 2022-23 National Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association Water Polo All-American 5th team! 🤽‍♂️ #GoHill #HillPride…

Hill School Football (@hillfootball) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Attention College Coaches! The Hill School Football Team will be running open practices during the month of May and we would like to extend an invitation to coaches to come out and meet our players. Please reach out to Head Coach Mike Boyer 同城上门必威体育英皇体育EVO视讯电竞大赢家凤凰体育BBIN捕鱼捕鱼体育猫爱尔兰精灵AG呱呱乐, Coach Jason Williams

Attention College Coaches! 
The Hill School Football Team will be running open practices during the month of May and we would like to extend an invitation to coaches to come out and meet our players.  Please reach out to Head Coach Mike Boyer <a href="/HRCoachMAB/">同城上门必威体育英皇体育EVO视讯电竞大赢家凤凰体育BBIN捕鱼捕鱼体育猫爱尔兰精灵AG呱呱乐</a>, Coach Jason Williams
Hill School Football (@hillfootball) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…” The Hill School vs Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, 7PM Home

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…”
The Hill School vs Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, 7PM Home