The Coptic Orthodox Church UK Media and Communications Office, Official Media Office for the Coptic Church in Europe. Tweets with links + RTs not endorsements
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http://www.CopticMediaUK.com 30-01-2011 23:35:34
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If you're in (or can get to) the London area on Saturday (3 Aug) this is a great opportunity to learn more about the #Orthodox tradition from some great speakers IOCS - Cambridge Archbishop Angaelos #ChurchesTogether Southwark Cathedral

Welcoming Archbishop Angaelos initiative to stream the online session at the Sanctuary during REFCEMI's whole day event marking the UN day and showcasing the powerful paintings by Hannah Rose Thomas Refcemi: Listening. Speaking. Impacting. Robert Řehák Office of International Religious Freedom

Pleased to interviewed by @TheosThinkTank’s George Lapshynov this afternoon at The Coptic Centre UK. Shared my thoughts on variety of issues including migration, asylum, the integration of migrant communities, and the Church’s role in supporting and collaborating with policy makers on the

5th anniversary of United Nations Day for Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief with special event hosted by @Refcemi The Sanctuary with HE Archbishop Angaelos Dr Ewelina U. Ochab and a special exhibition by Hannah Griffiths featuring paintings of courageous survivors. #TellTheirStory

Now @Refcemi’s Deputy Director Dr Ewelina U. Ochab #IRFBA livestream The Sanctuary Prisoners of Conscience: Violence & Detention, speakers incl. Amb Robert Řehák, Cezar Pavalascu, Paweł Radomski, Rushan Abbas, wade kusack Amelda Ismael Khudeeda Bianca Jagger Nicaraguense por gracia de Dios 🇳🇮 Bani Dugal #TellTheirStory

A series of events arranged by @Refcemi at The Sanctuary today, filled with insightful discussions and powerful stories, to mark the United Nations day for Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief, endeavouring to #TellTheirStory. Grateful for the contributions of my

A very moving evening at The Sanctuary with the first private screening internationally of the 21 Martyrs Film for members of Coptic Orthodox Diocese of London, celebrating the life and witness of #The21 #LibyaMartyrs, who impacted the world as few others have. This incredibly emotive depiction

A very productive and informative meeting of @ChurchWorks_UK Commissioners today chaired by my dear brother Bishop @PMounstephen provided an opportunity for a constructive conversation with @StephenCTimms and Faiths Minister Lord Wajid Khan, and included, amongst other

Pleased to support my dear friends @Kessler_Ed and Ibrahim Mogra this afternoon at the end of their charity walk through London to raise much needed funds for St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital, that provides free expert eye treatment to patients in Gaza, the West Bank, East

Pleased to welcome Gary Bentley, Chair of the Hertfordshire Christian Police Association, at The Coptic Centre UK today to learn more about the valuable work of Hertfordshire CPA among its own members and the wider community, and assure him of our prayers for the brave and committed police

'Be still and know that I am God.' Psalm 46:10 Watch this beautiful, hope-filled reflection from Archbishop Angaelos and be blessed.

An exciting meeting at The Sanctuary this evening with a steering committee tasked with the revamping and relaunching of one of our most beloved and impactful Coptic Youth Mission ministries. Stay tuned.