Michael Pinto
Principal of James Cole Elementary in Stockwell, IN. Lover of Pie, Iced Tea, and a good book. We Are The Cole Cubs! [email protected] #TSCSchools #ColeCubs
ID: 83649238
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Such talent in this picture Rick Wormeli and Kelly A. Andrews Ed. D. It’s interesting how the “Doers” of the world so often don’t realize the impact they are having. Stay the course

I love that sixth graders, new to the school, have an opportunity to wear their school colors with pride & begin to belong. Middle school is a time to try many things & eventually narrow in on a home. Great job Mike Lowrey

Quite an honor to earn a spot in the Principal’s Book of Excellence! Thanks to Michael Pinto for the recognition (and chocolate). 🍫

#99 - a marvel of human athleticism #48 - a World Series hero who returned to the place of his previous exploits to be greeted with love by those who remember and who still appreciate. Baseball is wonderful. Humanity is even more so. Chicago Cubs New York Yankees

Thrilled to have an opportunity to learn from Meghan Lawson tonight. Helping all of create a Legacy of Learning Meghan Lawson Kathy Nimmer Dr. BeAnn Younker Christy Fraley ##TSCSchools

It’s okay to admit that the decision you are making is the right call. Trust your teacher gut. We are never too young to make a difference. It’s okay to trust your students to help make a safe, caring classroom Meghan Lawson Kathy Nimmer Dr. BeAnn Younker Christy Fraley #TSCSchools

The brain wants what it experiences on a consistent basis. The average person hears 20-30 K words a day Imagine how many times a day you hear your own words. Be your own champion Meghan Lawson Kathy Nimmer Dr. BeAnn Younker Christy Fraley ##TSCSchools

Cognitive Triangle Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to behavior Meghan Lawson Kathy Nimmer Dr. BeAnn Younker Christy Fraley #TSCSchools

Celebrating Progress - Brain motivated by how far we’ve come. - Celebrate the wins along the way. 30 second feedback - a quick formula for celebrating success Meghan Lawson Kathy Nimmer Dr. BeAnn Younker Christy Fraley #TSCSchools

Hope is powerful. Hope is the strategy. Goals - Where you are headed Waypower - path forward Willpower - resilience to try again We easily mistake hopelessness for laziness Meghan Lawson Kathy Nimmer Dr. BeAnn Younker Christy Fraley #TSCSchools

Small moves. Big impact. Can you give 30 seconds? Your 1% Meghan Lawson Kathy Nimmer Dr. BeAnn Younker Christy Fraley #TSCSchools

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. - Abraham Lincoln Meghan Lawson Kathy Nimmer Dr. BeAnn Younker Christy Fraley #TSCSchools

When it comes to vulnerability, leaders go first. Teachers, remember this with your students. Principals, remember this with your staff. District Office - Remember this with your school Leadership team. Meghan Lawson Kathy Nimmer Dr. BeAnn Younker Christy Fraley #TSCSchools

Be marigolds for others. Marigolds are companion plants which nourish the plants near them. Meghan Lawson Kathy Nimmer Christy Fraley Dr. BeAnn Younker #TSCSchools