Jon Erik Villegas
Head Coach Hotshots Naudin 16U National (Villegas)• Father to 3 Daughters • Enjoying the ride
ID: 384322024
03-10-2011 13:44:26
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*** Time and Field Number Change *** See below for the changes. We will let you know if anything changes. Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Hotshots Fastpitch
Ellie Villegas 2026 MI hits her fourth homerun of the season, a two run shot to even the score in a big district game. 💣 HHS Softball Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Hotshots Naudin 18u National Villegas #HotshotsNation #BangBang
Ellie Villegas 2026 MI hits her fifth homerun of the season helping her team win game 1 in the 2nd round of playoffs. HHS Softball Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Hotshots Naudin 18u National Villegas #HotshotsNation #BangBang
Got our game times for the Memorial Day Showdown. Come check us out if you’re in the area or watch online. #bangbang #TeamCSA Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Naudin Productions Live Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Hotshots Fastpitch Hotshots Naudin
Sophomore, Ellie Villegas 2026 MI, receives 1st Team All District SS and Academic All District 25-5A. HHS Softball Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Hotshots Naudin 18u National Villegas #HotshotsNation #BangBang
Game times for this weekends Hotshots Fastpitch Summer Exposure. #bangbang #leadershipmatters #teamcsa Ed Naudin Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Hotshots Naudin sidelineHD
Come check us out at the Top Gun Invitational this weekend in Shawnee, KS. #bangbang #Teamcsa #leadershipmatters Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Hotshots Fastpitch Hotshots Naudin
Come check us out at the Team 1 Elite Club Invite in Shawnee, Kansas this week!!! #BangBang #HotshotsNaudin #HotshotsNation #BrickByBrick #LeadershipMatters #ComingInHot #TeamCSA Hotshots Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) @HotshotsNation Jon Erik Villegas
Our girls at the Top Gun Events Elite National Showcase… Good luck!!! Shelbi Stevens Cadee Zimmer Eliana Villegas Adelaida Sierra RHP #bangbang #LeadershipMatters #TeamCSA
We 👀 see you Adelaida Sierra RHP and Shelbi Stevens!! 💪💪💪 Let’s go!!!
Ellie Villegas 2026 MI, hits a solo home run to help her team to victory. Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Hotshots Naudin 18u National Villegas #HotshotsNation #BangBang
When the competition HEATS UP, you know who is going to come out on TOP 🔥 ✈️ 🏆 Congratulations to the Hotshots Naudin/Villegas 16U team on their Top Gun Events Invitational Maverick Division Championship 🎉 We know those new Oakley's are going to come in handy this summer 😎
Final 8 at the Top Club National Fastpitch Events National Championship #bangbang #TeamCSA #LeadershipMatters Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Hotshots Naudin Hotshots Fastpitch
Concluded a 19 game 14 day road trip to KC & OKC Finishing 1st at Top Gun Events and 5th at Top Club National Fastpitch Events National Championship We get a week of rest then off to TC Fastpitch Firecracker in CO PROUD COACHES Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett
We want to thank all the coaches who have come out to watch us play!!! Hope to see you in Colorado! #bangbang #leadershipmatters #brickbybrick #teamcsa Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Hotshots Naudin Hotshots Fastpitch
Heading out to Colorado next! #BangBang #HotshotsNaudin #HotshotsNation #LeadershipMatters #ComingInHot #TeamCSA Hotshots Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) @HotshotsNation Jon Erik Villegas
Final 16 at the CO 4th of July National Power Pool Championship. #bangbang #LeadershipMatters #TeamCSA Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Hotshots Naudin Hotshots Fastpitch
We placed 5th at the CO 4th of July National Power Pool. We have a round robin and then off to PGF National Championship #playedforeachother #bangbang #LeadershipMatters Ed Naudin Collegiate Sports Advocate (CSA) Jon Erik Villegas Mike Zimmer Brent Barrett Hotshots Naudin Hotshots Fastpitch