Josh Miracle
Husband-Dad-Teacher-Coach-Mark 12:30
ID: 4483996528
14-12-2015 18:48:39
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Our final speaker is Josh Miracle from Rocks Football. The defensive staff from Westfield is considered one of the best in the state and we are excited to have Coach Miracle join us!

Extremely blessed and humbled to represent IFCA and Rocks Football as the state of Indiana’s Broyles Award recipient. The Broyles Award and Clayton Harrell we cannot thank you enough for all the hospitality and once in a lifetime experience!

Great learning opportunity as we host our 1st Def Coordinator Roundtable this Thursday night! This FREE virtual clinic will have Coach Barth from Cathedral Football, @DCCoachGoodin from DCHS Football and Josh Miracle from Rocks Football Register at 60secondclinic.com/bandb