Dave Holmgreen
Husband & father. Asst. AD/HFC Beeville Jones HS | ✈️ Gregory-Portland - Hays - Odessa - San Angelo - Alice. All posts are my own thoughts & opinions.
ID: 900734066349289473
24-08-2017 14:58:31
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Still in shock to be the recipient of such a prestigious award! Thank you Leadership Houston this journey has changed my life!

Come find us at THSCA this week and let me tell you why this is the place you want to be! THSCA TASCO Matt Stepp KRIS 6 Sports Larissa Liska Chris Thomasson - KIII Sports Kiii 3Sports Blitz Beeville ISD Athletics Beeville ISD

This Friday night! Let’s Go!!!! #championshipFOCUSED Beeville ISD Athletics Beeville ISD