Jessamine Chen 陳粲翔
Lecturer & Clinical Psychologist | Research: Improving older adult mental health | Clinical: anxiety Tx across the lifespan | Immigrant @Lifespan_MQ
ID: 981519832079245313
https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/jessamine-chen 04-04-2018 13:12:18
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Thanks for having me as a judge Sydney Postgraduate Psychology Conference 2023 🫶 Congratulations Natalie and Emily! PSYCHSCIENCES@MQ

Macquarie University is currently offering a free therapist-supported online psychological treatment to older adults experiencing anxiety, low mood, and/or worry. For more information, contact (02) 9850 8715 or email at [email protected]. Lifespan Health & Wellbeing Research Centre

Are you aged 65+ experiencing levels of #anxiety and/or low mood that are interfering in your life? Join the Ageing Wisely Online trial and help us understand treatment for anxiety and low mood in #OlderAdults PSYCHSCIENCES@MQ

We want to understand what factors help maintain #wellbeing in later adulthood. To find out more or to register your interest, scan the QR code, click this link mquni.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ea…, or email [email protected] PSYCHSCIENCES@MQ eCentreClinic

雪梨的麥考瑞大學 (Macquarie University) 研究小組目前在改編與翻譯一項經已研究循證的英語版心理治療課 (Ageing Wisely) 來協助華語長者改善情緒低落和焦慮。我們誠摯邀請年滿 65 歲, 在家說廣東話或普通話, 目前或過去曾經受到情緒低落或擔憂影響的長者參與我們的焦點小組。意者請洽👇Lifespan Health & Wellbeing Research Centre

Engaging with our Chinese community to improve mental health in older adults! Thank you Jessamine Chen 陳粲翔 for leading this important initiative.

Congrats again Diana Matovic on your fantastic study identifying individual differences in motivation to reduce risk for dementia. #dementia #prevention Lifespan Health & Wellbeing Research Centre

📽️That's a wrap! Thank you MCCALL team and Viviana Wuthrich for this super cool collaboration shining a spotlight on clinicians' experience of treating anxiety and depression in older adults. I can't wait to see the final cut! Lifespan Health & Wellbeing Research Centre PSYCHSCIENCES@MQ

Cool Kids Online, developed by MQ clinical psychologists to help children & teenagers beat #anxiety has been shown to be as effective in the long term as treatment with a therapist, potentially improving access to care while saving families money lighthouse.mq.edu.au/article/april-… PSYCHSCIENCES@MQ

Yes thanks to everyone who participated in crazy costume! But what else is one to do for a good cause? Thanks to Ryde Rotary and MacquariePark Rotary for supporting this important service. Cool Kids and treatment for anxiety across the lifespan is available F2F & online in our clinic

“Ageing Wisely: A Second Chance at Life” is a collaboration with the MQ Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Literature & Language (MCCALL) youtube.com/watch?v=Ulv5RW… We are currently enrolling for the free Ageing Wisely Online program ageingwisely.org.au PSYCHSCIENCES@MQ

Join our consumer network! Do you have lived experience with or are a clinician, health practitioner, parent or carer providing support for someone with #anxiety or #depression, #cognitiveimpairment or #dementia, #loneliness or #socialisolation? it-mqu.formstack.com/forms/consumer… PSYCHSCIENCES@MQ

Congratulations Dr Dino Zagic for your cool PhD study on the psychological mechanisms underlying loneliness. Nice to see this finally in press. Lifespan Health & Wellbeing Research Centre PSYCHSCIENCES@MQ url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/oZThCxngGkf7…

The data speaks for itself! Congratulations Viviana Wuthrich and Carly Johnco! ✨ #CBTworks

Are you looking for an up-to-date review on #anxiety disorders in #older adults? Read here for an update on the epidemiology, best #assessment methods, and efficacy of med and psych #treatment. #CBTworks Lifespan Health & Wellbeing Research Centre Viviana Wuthrich Diana Matovic authors.elsevier.com/a/1jGT0,4QFJPR…

PARTICIPATE IN RESEARCH | We are looking to better understand the experience of social isolation & loneliness linked to #chronicillness among older adults. To find out more & sign up to take part in a focus group: mquni.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d0… Lifespan Health & Wellbeing Research Centre Macquarie University PSYCHSCIENCES@MQ