Charlie Chung
Dr Charlie Chung PhD Consultant Occupational Therapist, Scotland
ID: 4355963536
03-12-2015 00:34:13
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Prof Elaine Hunter Gail Hogg Alzheimer Scotland RCOT Scottish Policy Amanda Wong Proud of the Fife OT staff’s implementation of this valued group, and Gail’s blog. Please share 😊Charlie Chung Ashleigh Gray Alan White Amanda Wong Lynn Dorman

Final day of our NHS Lothian @strokeed Upper limb. Practicing our electrical stimulation skills after discussing the evidence Charlie Chung Thomas Jones

3-day stroke workshop for rehab of the upper limb by StrokeEd. Very grateful to the eight people with stroke for this immense learning opportunity around individual goals, analysis of movement, selection of training method and counting practice reps Wendy Juner Thomas Jones

Evidence-based stroke rehab methods in the StrokeEd upper limb workshop. Practising mirror therapy, electrical stimulation, mental practice, and constraint induced movement therapy. To be integrated into the programmes with our volunteers with stroke Wendy Juner Thomas Jones

Jacqui Chung Prof Elaine Hunter Gail Hogg Alzheimer Scotland RCOT Scottish Policy Amanda Wong Charlie Chung Alan White Lynn Dorman Well done to all the team for continuing to develop this fantastic group. Great to hear all about it in Gail’s blog 🌟

Really keen to hear from Scottish health and social care staff working in stroke care. Would be GREAT if you could spare 10 mins to complete our survey 😊 Adult Speech and Language Therapy, Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire Council NHSL North Stroke Neuro Rehab Team-North SNRT Thérèse Lebedis OBE Charlie Chung Lisa Kidd

Thanks Charlie Chung really looking forward to it and catching up with lots of fantastic neuro colleagues 👍👍👍

Great that you have highlighted this RCOT Scottish Policy This is such a brilliant service in addressing caring as an occupation and the carer as an individual, rather than as an add-on to the service the person getting cared for is receiving.

Great succint article by Susie Fitton , SFHA . Reducing funding for adaptations flies in the face of the SG prevention/early intervention agenda a total false economy Paul McLennan - MSP for East Lothian SFHA Horizon_Housing Link_Group_Ltd RCOTSS Housing RCOT Scottish Policy sfha.co.uk/news/news-cate…