Campden Instruments 🧠
Developing products for studying behaviour, electrophysiology, & other translational scientific research. Known for vibrotomes (, Bussey-Sa
ID: 1207273227925557248 18-12-2019 12:15:53
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Last week, Campden was represented by Hong Kong Plexon Inc. at the 17th annual Chinese Neuroscience Society conference in Suzhou! On display were our 2nd generation Bussey-Saksida Touch Screen Chambers! Did you know the touch screens are compatible with optogenetics?!
Hello from our #SfN24 crew. It's the last day, let's make it a good one! Campden Instruments 🧠 Aurora Scientific
Today at #ICLAF2024, "Perspectives on precision Lung cut slices as novel tools for mechanistic and therapeutic approaches in Lung Fibrosis" by Darcy Wagner (18:00 - 18:20).… #pcls #vibratome
Energy consumption requirements of #cardiac tissue differs depending on the #cardiomyopathy an individual is affected by. The 804A #ATPase can assist in understanding the changes in energy consumption of cardiac muscle that may possess cardiomyopathies.…
Then a new way of analysing spontaneous recognition memory tasks. Using a continual trials approach with Campden Instruments 🧠, the paper demonstrates that animals adapt their strategies in this ‘spontaneous’ task depending on changing levels of ambiguity…
The deadline for applying for our (Aet O'Leary) two open fully-funded PhD positions is approaching. Apply to join us via this link:…