CSSSupervisors (@csssupervisors) 's Twitter Profile


A professional organization composed of science education specialists who serve at the state, territorial, or the protectorate educational agency in the U.S.

ID: 702499771810914304

linkhttp://www.cosss.org calendar_today24-02-2016 14:26:12

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CSSSupervisors (@csssupervisors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Welcome our 2023-2024 board- President Jaime Rumage, Past-President Mike Heinz, Achivist Andre DeLeon, Third-Year Director Keith Crandall, Second-Year Director Meg Richard, First-Year Director Breigh Rhodes, Financial Officer David Metcalf & Director of Operations Michele Snyder

NSELA (@nselascience) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Leadership Matters: Why we need you! Think about what you want leaders to know about science/leadership. Write it! Have a model for leadership in science education? Write about it as a column in National Science Teaching Association Science and Children Leadership Matters! Kathy Renfrew Page Keeley #NSELALS24

Leadership Matters: Why we need you! 
Think about what you want leaders to know about science/leadership. Write it! Have a model for leadership in science education? Write about it as a column in <a href="/NSTA/">National Science Teaching Association</a> Science and Children Leadership Matters! <a href="/KRScienceLady/">Kathy Renfrew</a> <a href="/CTSKeeley/">Page Keeley</a> #NSELALS24