Cardiff Met SLT
Cardiff Metropolitan Speech and Language Therapy Society - News, events, socials and fundraising … all views are that of the students
ID: 2176546832
http://www.cardiffmetsu.co.uk/organisation/6472/ 05-11-2013 18:06:59
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In this important article Anne Longfield highlights that too many children start school with developmental problems with speech and language. She also references No Wrong Door great support for young people on the edge of care which inc. embedded SLT. theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

Please take a look at the below research study needing more participants! #SLT RCSLT 💙 RCSLT Wales MouthCareMatters #SLT port.ac.uk/news-events-an…

The UK Govt should use the #SpendingReview to #FundSLT so we can build back better - not just build back - with people who have communication & swallowing needs. Read Gillian Rudd Dave Harford Steve Hermon & our statement in full🔽 bit.ly/3CUlWn4 #BuildBackBetterSLT