Collins Airhihenbuwa
Georgia State University School of Public Health
ID: 1658251622
http://u-rise.org 09-08-2013 17:31:49
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And so it begins. Our journey towards the first US-Nigeria Cancer Control Center guided by the tenets of #impsci and as inspired by the Collins Airhihenbuwa health beyond the western paradigm. What began from a place of loss is now lighting a path for communities to lead, join us…

Some weekends are for dreaming and strategy and storytelling and connecting with the ones who help you stand high above it all. What a day…Collins Airhihenbuwa Temitope 'Temi' Ojo

Day 4 and our final day…Not only are we learning all the ways we sustain health, but we are also using music for healing…What a megadesignathon…NIMR Joe Tucker, MD Collins Airhihenbuwa Temitope 'Temi' Ojo

Some lyrics: Life is short, the goal is to live long. No gree for hypertension, no gree for highBP, no gree for stroke. Checkam whether you get stroke or highBP…Music no need permission to enter your spirit. You just had to be there…NIMR Joe Tucker, MD Collins Airhihenbuwa

We are grateful to all who made this first #megadesignathon grand. You are the MVP & to the participants, thank you for being our leaders with co-designing the health you want. NIMR Joe Tucker, MD Zobam Collins Airhihenbuwa Temitope 'Temi' Ojo 4cbyc 4 Girls & Women 4YouthByYouth

We are live. The end of our megabootcamp. For the past year we have been centering the experience of communities, magnifying their strength while illuminating the love communities have for communities health. Joe Tucker, MD Collins Airhihenbuwa NIMR Temitope 'Temi' Ojo Ucheoma Nwaozuru

Honoured to see the extremely talented David Dosunmu - old friend of 4YouthByYouth and Prof Collins at the mega bootcamp.

Surprise! We celebrated in grand style the one and only Collins Airhihenbuwa. You are more than an inspiration, a source of intellectual grace and we remain grateful and blessed that we get to bask in your power every day. Here is to a grand birthday and wish you so much more amen.

Juliet Iwelunmor-Ezepue, PhD Collins Airhihenbuwa Oh! Now I’m sad. This was one not to miss. Happy birthday. Prof., on behalf on the many you continue to inspire.

#ChangeChallenge #Day3 Prof. C. Airhihenbuwa shared from his wealth of experience by taking the participants on an extensive learning retreat on leadership, Culture and ethics. Collins Airhihenbuwa Juliet Iwelunmor-Ezepue, PhD Joe Tucker, MD Federal Ministry of Health, NIGERIA Lead City University, Ibadan ™️

#ChangeChallenge Prof. Juliet Iwelunmor Juliet Iwelunmor-Ezepue, PhD took the participants on Grant writing and Mentorship, she also shared her story as a grant writer of over 17years. She highlighted that failure is part of the journey and not a setback. Collins Airhihenbuwa WashU Joe Tucker, MD