Nick Brown
Clinical Practice Manager-Advanced Paramedic Practitioner (Critical Care) @Ldn_Ambulance. Science. Humanism. My own views..
ID: 2873363204
23-10-2014 13:26:50
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ARREST RCT results are in. Made possible in part by the recruitment of 862 patients by London’s Advanced Paramedic Practitioners in Critical Care and CARU London Ambulance Service…
We’ve been crafting this episode for a while now and last night it all came together beautifully. Hearing Ed Presswood discussing the intricacies and nuances of end of life care pretty much stopped us in our tracks. This is one not to miss #FOAMed #FOAMems
A retrospective cohort study of pre-hospital agitation management by advanced paramedic practitioners in critical car from 7:3 by Nick Brown et al is now #OpenAccess…
Great work Chelsey Pike Nick Brown 👏
Excellent service evaluation by Nick Brown and Chelsey Pike presented at the College of Paramedics conference today. Advanced paramedics matching resources to need in out of hospital cardiac arrest and maximising resources for all patients.
Lovely to get this recognition for the London Ambulance Service APPCCs and co-author Chelsey Pike . Thank you theBPJ and College of Paramedics. Thank you audience! Well done to all Golden Nugget presenters.