British Ecological Society
We are working towards a world inspired by #Ecology in which nature and people thrive.
ID: 273984889
http://www.BritishEcologicalSociety.org/ 29-03-2011 14:13:37
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Calling all #Wetlands & #Peatlands researchers! 🌱 One week left to submit your abstracts for the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting (10-13 December) We want as much peaty and wetland-y goodness at the conference as possible! Let us know below if you are submitting! #BES2024

UK Parliament edie George McGavin 📣 Hazel Norman, British Ecological Society CEO: “We’re representing 1,000+ ecologists, scientists and health experts calling on MPs to enter the #CANBill in the Private Members’ Bill ballot. It’s so important. Everyone has to act now.” Take action today 👉 action.zerohour.uk

Are you an #ecologist with experience in bridging the gap between research and practice? If yes, then you can now apply to become a BES Trustee. For more details on the role and how to apply:britishecologicalsociety.org/about/get-invo… ⏰Application closes at 11:00 (BST), on 9 September 2024.

Honoured to receive the British Ecological Society Marsh Award for Climate Change. Having spent much of my academic journey in Britain, this recognition holds special meaning. Grateful to the BES and inspired to continue contributing to #biodiversity and #climate_change research. #BES2024

I’m thrilled to receive this award. It recognises the hard work of all of us in Ardscoil na Mara - an Edmund Rice School. & Irish Schools Sustainability Network who are trying to connect students with the natural world. My journey started in @hammersmithacad & it continues. Teaching nature is what keeps me in education.

Thrilled & honoured to win the amazing Founder's prize from British Ecological Society! A huge surprise; testament to the incredible network of people I have had with me on this journey. A full circle moment as the British Ecological Society was my first ever scientific meeting w/ Phil Wheeler! 🦎🦎🦎