International experts in #bowelultrasonography / #IBD: We focus on education & to make this method more widespread. Tweets bowel US related research and news.
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http://www.bowel-ultrasound.org 20-05-2017 14:47:33
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Las evaluaciones no invasivas avanzan rápidamente, permiten monitorizaciones cercanas y de riesgo cero. Actualmente, la ecografía intestinal es básica para pacientes con #IBD (Crohn y Colitis Ulcerativa). Gran evento InternationalBowelUS GEDIIB - Grupo de Estudos da DII do Brasil Pancco Organización Panamericana de Gastroenterología

We are off to a great start! Here is a recap of Day 1 of the IBUS Module 1 Workshop in Campinas. Marjorie Argollo Michael Todd Dolinger, MD MBA Federica Rogerio Saad Hossne David T. Rubin, MD #IBUS #Workshop #Ultrasound #IUS

The first #IBUS Module 1 Workshop in the LATAM region was a great experience! Thank you to all participants and faculty members for joining us in Campinas! Here is the recap of Day 2. Marjorie Argollo Michael Todd Dolinger, MD MBA Federica David T. Rubin, MD Kenneth Ernest

A kind message from Dr. Marjorie Costa Argollo, local organizer of the IBUS Module 1 Workshop in Campinas, Brazil! Thank you to all participants and faculty members. It wouldn't have been possible without you! Marjorie Argollo #IBUS #Workshop #Ultrasound #IUS

We are happy to announce an IBUS endorsed symposium on September 9th in Belgium in collaboration with the Belgian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research and Development Group (BIRD). More information: birdgroup.be/en/symposium/b… Bird Group Bram Verstockt #IBUS #WORKSHOP #IBD #IUS

We are happy to announce an IBUS endorsed symposium in Egypt in collaboration with the Egyptian Society of Crohn's and Colitis (ESCCO) next week on September 12th. More information: escco-eg.org/workshop-regis… ESCCO_Society Frauke Petersen #IBUS #ESCCO #IUS #IBD