Felix Bourier (@bourierfelix) 's Twitter Profile
Felix Bourier



ID: 1301588106806784004

calendar_today03-09-2020 18:29:36

205 Tweet

646 Takipçi

246 Takip Edilen

Roderick Tung (@drrodericktung) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our 1st subxiphoid hybrid VT inferior MI s/p CABG & 2 endo UAZ Medicine - Phoenix. Midmyocardial isthmus with simultaneous pre-systolic breakout on epi&endo. 1st burn term epi in 8s. It is such a luxury to be the fellow and assist for Peter Weiss:) endo (left), epi (right). #VTin3D

Antonio Frontera (@sozi81) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In patients with atrial fibrillation, mapping during sinus rhythm shows that slow conduction occur over area considered by everyone as HEALTHY (>0.5 mV).Here EGM corresponding to slow conduction corridor was 1 mV! Time to redefine voltage? FullManuscript bit.ly/3mlvhyx

In patients with atrial fibrillation, mapping during sinus rhythm shows that slow conduction occur over area considered by everyone as HEALTHY (>0.5 mV).Here  EGM corresponding to slow conduction corridor was  1 mV! Time to redefine voltage? FullManuscript bit.ly/3mlvhyx
Antonio Frontera (@sozi81) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What’s the best recording system in cardiac electrophysiology? Please help - I need to choose the next one for my EP Lab. Every opinion is welcome. Priority : SIGNAL QUALITY. Thank you.

Konstantinos Vlachos (@vlachoskonstan1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Human Recordings of Left Atrial Epicardial-Endocardial Asynchrony During Persistent Atrial Fibrillation ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.116…

Jason Andrade (@drjasonandrade) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There is a lot of discussion about how to monitor for AF, ( binary recurrence or burden), but less discussion about how monitoring influences these outcomes Now in print Circulation we aimed to address this, with a goal of informing trial design & practice ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CI… 1/

Konstantinos Vlachos (@vlachoskonstan1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Supraventricular tachycardia with alternating eccentric atrial activation: What is the mechanism? onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.111…

Dr. Helmut Pürerfellner (@purerfellner) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Let me draw your attention to the ongoing #EHRA Executive Board Elections 2022-2024. EHRA members from ESC Countries are invited to participate digitally until 22 February 2022. To vote, please visit: escardio.simplyvoting.com And yes. I'm running for the presidency too.

Let me draw your attention to the ongoing #EHRA Executive Board Elections 2022-2024. EHRA members from ESC Countries are invited to participate digitally until 22 February 2022. 

To vote, please visit: escardio.simplyvoting.com

And yes. I'm running for the presidency too.
Antonio Frontera (@sozi81) 's Twitter Profile Photo

45yo, persistant AF (3 mo). Analysis of Pivot Sites performed during sinus rhythm. Compared to Parox AF (see previous cases) more pivot sites are recorded. Pivot sites disappear during CS pacing. Enjoy signals at PIVOT sites during sinus rhythm versus AF. #JACCEP EP_Bot

Jason Andrade (@drjasonandrade) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#EPeeps - Poor R wave progression is a common finding on a standard 12-lead ECG, but its physiological background and clinical significance are still not fully understood. Data from a large health examination survey suggest it may not be benign. bit.ly/35ENiT1

#EPeeps - Poor R wave progression is a common  finding on a standard 12-lead ECG, but its physiological background and clinical significance are still not fully understood.

Data from a large health examination survey suggest it may not be benign.

Antonio Frontera (@sozi81) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What if AF is just a never ending FUNCTIONAL phenomenon? Look at this video, two years of hard work condensed here. AF initiation by trigger in LSPV but substrate key role in maintenance. No, not meandering rotors, these are just PIVOT SITES seen during AF! EP_Bot

Christian-H. Heeger (@christianheeger) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Latest case utilizing #vhpsd #Qdot, #pentaray and #Vizigo sheath. Very promising technology with happy physicians and patients. 101 applications with total RF time of 404s and 55 min procedure time. AGEP @ehra Roland Tilz Felix Bourier Christian Sohns @epluebeck Stefano Bordignon, EP

Antonio Frontera (@sozi81) 's Twitter Profile Photo

REDO ablation in patient presented with typical (common) flutter. The right atrial activation was confirmed by three entrainment sites. HD mapping revealed an epicardial breakthrough. RF ablation at the EPI insertion terminated this right (not common) flutter in 6 seconds.

Leon Iden (@idenleon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Time to say thank you! I‘m preparing some modest but heartfelt packages for the authors of our upcoming EP for beginners book. So greatful for your effort! What a privilege to work with such a phantastic group of #EPeeps Philipp Sommer Martin Borlich

Time to say thank you! I‘m preparing some modest but heartfelt packages for the authors of our upcoming EP for beginners book. So greatful for your effort! What a privilege to work with such a phantastic group of #EPeeps <a href="/Phiso_de/">Philipp Sommer</a> <a href="/MartinBorlich/">Martin Borlich</a>