Andra Blomkalns, MD, MBA
Emergency Medicine Academician | Medical Innovator | Chair of @StanfordEMED | Past President @SAEMonline | Founder Keen Scientific | Nature Lover | Views my own
ID: 17117786
02-11-2008 18:37:48
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Congrats to Mass General climate change and health researcher Renee N Salas, MD, MPH for receiving a Burke Fellowship via the Harvard Global Health Institute and a Clinician Teacher Development Award from Mass General!

Congrats The Warren Alpert Medical School !! (& Uniformed Services University Michigan Medicine @UMassMedical too)

Congratulations Renee N Salas, MD, MPH for recent lead authorship on lancetcountdown.org/media/1426/201… focusing on connections between climate change and health in the United States. Physician Sees Health Effects of Climate Change giving.massgeneral.org/doctor-sees-cl…

“In the future the first time you cut into an abdomen you’ll have already done it 300 times.” Fellow Ryan Ribeira MD MPH leads med students through #VR simulations to illustrate how technology can be used for EM training. #meded Michael A. Gisondi, MD

So happy and proud to see so many StanfordEM faculty and residents contributing to and participating in moving academic EM forward at #wrsaem19! Thank you UC Davis Health Department of Emergency Medicine and SAEM for putting on an awesome conference in Napa.

Proud of our #EmergencyMedicine department. "The world will survive if we don't have meetings for today." -Dr. Andra Andra Blomkalns, MD, MBA, StanfordEM Chair In solidarity with #ShutDownSTEM|#ShutDownAcademia|#BlackLivesMatter, we're cancelling #EMConf today. #WhiteCoatsForBlackLives

I'm so proud to have several of our StanfordEM faculty on the ballot for SAEM leadership roles. Drs. Jody Vogel, MD, MSc, MSW Prasanthi Govindarajan and Angela Lumba-Brown are remarkable colleagues and clinicians. Learn more about them at bit.ly/stanfordforSAEM

Dr. Andrea Fang is a candidate for AWAEM treasurer, Dr. @moyinscrubs is on the ballot for SAEM ADIEM Academy development officer, and Kimberly Schertzer, MD is a candidate for Simulation Secretary! Please learn more about these incredible StanfordEM's MDs at bit.ly/stanfordEMstat…

This group of students has me 🤩! We are so in awe of this amazing #MatchDay2022 class and we can’t wait to welcome them to our StanfordEM family! Congrats to all of you!

@mward04 annamariechang @blomkaal1