Bishop Bradley (@bishoppbradley) 's Twitter Profile
Bishop Bradley


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Bishop Bradley (@bishoppbradley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Scribes/Pharisees’ observation about Jesus’ disciples not fasting was filled with judgment. By Jesus’ parables about patching an old cloak or putting new wine in old wine skins,He taught that His followers must change/adapt.(Lk.5:33-39) Lord,help me to be a new person in You.

Bishop Bradley (@bishoppbradley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Pharisees challenge Jesus & His disciples who were violating the Sabbath. Since the beginning of creation, the Sabbath was to be kept holy. Now, Jesus astoundingly says: “the Son of Man is lord of the sabbath”!(Lk.6:1-5) Is Jesus our Lord? How do we keep the Lord’s Day holy?

Bishop Bradley (@bishoppbradley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When Jesus miraculously cured the deaf man with a speech impediment, He not only enabled the man to hear physical words, but also God’s Word assuring him that he is loved. Jesus, heal my spiritual deafness so I can hear You say “Ephphatha” to what you want me to do. (Mk.7:31-37)

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Jesus goes to the synagogue to pray. The Pharisees evidently go to judge/criticize. Jesus heals a man with a withered hand; they “became enraged” for, in their view, violating the Sabbath.(Lk.6:6-11) Jesus, deliver us from a critical spirit; let us rejoice in Your healing Love.

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In today’s Gospel,after an entire “night spent in prayer to God”, Jesus chose from among His disciples “the Twelve, whom He also named Apostles”. There were curious crowds following Him,some of them “disciples”, and now this select group of Apostles.(Lk.6:12-19) Where do we fit?

Bishop Bradley (@bishoppbradley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jesus “spent the night in prayer to God.”(Lk.6:12-19) Intimate communion with His Father, & the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, enabled Jesus to choose the Twelve from among the disciples,and to heal all those who came to Him. Prayer is also essential for us as Jesus’ disciples .

Bishop Bradley (@bishoppbradley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jesus taught His disciples four examples of what it means to be“Blessed”in God’s sight; and four reasons to be“Woeful”if our sights are limited to this world’s joys. When we are “Blessed” by God, we will “rejoice and leap for joy…your reward will be great in heaven.”(Lk.6:20-26)

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On this 23rd anniversary of the horrific terrorist attacks against the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001, let us prayerfully remember all those whose lives were so violently taken from them, and their families. May violence,terrorism & war be replaced by peace and harmony among all nations.

Bishop Bradley (@bishoppbradley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jesus teaches perhaps the most challenging command:“love your enemies” He provides numerous examples of what that means. He also teaches us:“do to others as you would have them do to you.”(Lk.6:27-38). He challenges us to do no more than He Himself did. Jesus, give us Your Grace.

Bishop Bradley (@bishoppbradley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jesus compares physical blindness to being spiritually blind. He asks why would we see a splinter in our brother’s eye,but not see the wooden beam in our own? That’s being a hypocrite!(Lk.6:39-42) Jesus,help us correct our own spiritual blindness so we can “see” others as You do.

Bishop Bradley (@bishoppbradley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We join with the whole Church in celebrating the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. As Jesus so beautifully taught us: “For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son…not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. (Jn.3:16) Thank You, Jesus!

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Jesus knew exactly what awaited Him in Jerusalem. He clearly told His disciples what that would involve. When Peter tried to dissuade Him, Jesus put him back in his place. (Mk.8:27-35) Still, Jesus moved forward in Love, because that’s what our salvation required. Thank You,Jesus

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The miracle of Jesus curing the Centurion’s slave occurs thru the intercession of others: “elders of the Jews”, and a delegation of “friends”. The centurion,a Roman pagan, knows he is unworthy; but believes in Jesus’ authority to heal. (Lk.7:1-10) Intercessory prayer is powerful.

Bishop Bradley (@bishoppbradley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Roman centurion, who believed in Jesus’ healing power, sent others to ask Jesus to heal his slave. Because of the centurion’s faith, we have the prayer we pray before receiving the Eucharist: “Lord, I am not worthy…”(Lk.7:1-10) Jesus, I believe;come to me in my unworthiness.

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When Jesus saw the widow of Nain grieving the death of her only son, “He was moved with pity”, today’s Gospel tells us. (Lk.7:11-17) Jesus’ pity moved Him to action—to “give her son back to her” by raising the son back to life.May we have “pity” to others that moves us to action.

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Jesus exposes the crowds who won’t listen to those speaking on God’s behalf by finding lame reasons to excuse themselves. They accused John the Baptist of having a demon; they accused Jesus of associating with sinners. (Lk.7:31-35) Put aside excuses,and follow Jesus Who IS Truth.

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St. Paul teaches us about the greatest of all spiritual gifts—Love. More than a Scripture Reading for Weddings, 1Cor.12:31-13:13 provides a definition of what genuine Love is, and is not; it is what all who follow Christ must strive to attain. This way of Love leads us to Jesus.

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When a “sinful”woman entered a Pharisee’s house & approached Jesus in tears, Jesus was moved, and asked the Pharisee: “Do you see this woman?” Jesus saw into the depths of her soul. He said: “Your sins are forgiven…Go in peace.” Come to Jesus, and let Him “see” you! (Lk.7:36-50)

Bishop Bradley (@bishoppbradley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It is clear from today’s brief Gospel(Lk.8:1-3)how important women were in Jesus’ public ministry. Among Jesus’ inner circle were the women who accompanied them & “provided for them out of their resources.” May we value the rightful role of women in the life of the Church today.

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In answer to the Pharisees’ question why Jesus associates with “tax collectors and sinners”, Jesus told them why He came:“to call sinners”. Jesus “calls” Matthew, who immediately responded. Jesus calls each of us one at a time. He calls you & me. What is our response?(Mt.9:9-13)