BioFunLab (@biofunlab) 's Twitter Profile


Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning Lab. The BioFunLab, led by @ManuDelBaq, aims to advance our understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

ID: 1660657227630272513

link calendar_today22-05-2023 14:42:11

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125 Following

Banco Sabadell (@bancosabadell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#PremiosBiomédicaCiencias | ManuDelgadoBaquerizo, Premio VIII de Fundación Banco Sabadell a las Ciencias e Ingeniería, investigador en el IRNAS Sevilla - CSIC Andalucía y Extremadura: "El 95% de los alimentos que consumimos dependen directa o indirectamente del suelo" cc BioFunLab #SabadellCompromisoSostenible

ManuDelgadoBaquerizo (@manudelbaq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New @Biofunlab paper Root traits regulate the capacity of the rhizosphere to support multiple ecosystem services under intercropping and phosphorus fertilization… Led by @Biofunlab PhD Dongxue Tao w/Guiyao Zhou Daniel Revillini & more! IRNAS Sevilla

New @Biofunlab paper 

Root traits regulate the capacity of the rhizosphere to support multiple ecosystem services under intercropping and phosphorus fertilization…

Led by @Biofunlab PhD Dongxue Tao w/<a href="/GuiyaoZhou/">Guiyao Zhou</a> <a href="/Dr_Hypervolume/">Daniel Revillini</a> &amp; more!

<a href="/IRNAS_CSIC/">IRNAS Sevilla</a>
ManuDelgadoBaquerizo (@manudelbaq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New nature in @Biofunlab Unforeseen plant phenotypic diversity in a dry and grazed world… Led by Nicolas Gross Yoann Le Bagousse-Pinguet & Fernando T. Maestre Thrilled to be part of this team! CSIC IRNAS Sevilla CSIC Andalucía y Extremadura

New <a href="/Nature/">nature</a> in @Biofunlab

Unforeseen plant phenotypic diversity in a dry and grazed world…

Led by <a href="/NicolasPGross/">Nicolas Gross</a> Yoann Le Bagousse-Pinguet &amp; <a href="/ftmaestre/">Fernando T. Maestre</a> 

Thrilled to be part of this team!

<a href="/CSIC/">CSIC</a> <a href="/IRNAS_CSIC/">IRNAS Sevilla</a> <a href="/CSICAndalExtrem/">CSIC AndalucĂ­a y Extremadura</a>
ManuDelgadoBaquerizo (@manudelbaq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

En breve, vamos a lanzar un contrato M3 de 2 años en el BioFunLab asociado al proyecto EVOLVIOME (los candidato/as tienen que inscribirse en la bolsa del CSIC)… Interesado/as, escribirme a mi email en las siguientes dos semanas-…

ManuDelgadoBaquerizo (@manudelbaq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New @Biofunlab New Phytologist Plant species and associated root nutritional traits influence soil dominant bacteria in coastal wetlands across China… Led by Jing Li w/Juntao WANG Prof Brajesh Singh and more! IRNAS Sevilla

New @Biofunlab <a href="/NewPhyt/">New Phytologist</a> 

Plant species and associated root nutritional traits influence soil dominant bacteria in coastal wetlands across China…

Led by Jing Li w/<a href="/wang_juntao/">Juntao WANG</a> <a href="/Prof_Braj_Singh/">Prof Brajesh Singh</a> and more!

<a href="/IRNAS_CSIC/">IRNAS Sevilla</a>
ManuDelgadoBaquerizo (@manudelbaq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New @Biofunlab Global Change Biology Fertilization regulates global thresholds in soil bacteria… Led by Cai Chen & Yong-Guan Zhu IRNAS Sevilla

New @Biofunlab <a href="/GlobalChangeBio/">Global Change Biology</a> 

Fertilization regulates global thresholds in soil bacteria…

Led by Cai Chen &amp; Yong-Guan Zhu

<a href="/IRNAS_CSIC/">IRNAS Sevilla</a>
Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants (@abioticstress) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Article by Martins et al. ManuDelgadoBaquerizo Tadeo Saez Fernando T. Maestre Prof Brajesh Singh PLOS Biology #Aboveground & #belowground #biodiversity have complementary effects on #ecosystem functions across global #grasslands…… #PlantSci

Article by Martins et al. <a href="/ManuDelBaq/">ManuDelgadoBaquerizo</a> <a href="/TadeoSaez/">Tadeo Saez</a>
<a href="/ftmaestre/">Fernando T. Maestre</a> <a href="/Prof_Braj_Singh/">Prof Brajesh Singh</a> <a href="/PLOSBiology/">PLOS Biology</a>

#Aboveground &amp; #belowground #biodiversity have complementary effects on #ecosystem functions across global #grasslands…… 

ManuDelgadoBaquerizo (@manudelbaq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New Plant and Soil BioFunLab Litter covering decreases moss activity, mediating the relationships between moss biocrusts and shrub patches in semiarid dryland ecosystems… w/ Dexun Qiu, Bo Xiao and BioFunLab Camelia Algora IRNAS Sevilla

CSIC (@csic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌳El aumento de estresores ambientales reduce la capacidad de los ecosistemas terrestres para afrontar el cambio global Un estudio ayuda a comprender las limitaciones futuras ante servicios esenciales como la fertilidad del suelo y la regulación de clima 👉

🌳El aumento de estresores ambientales reduce la capacidad de los ecosistemas terrestres para afrontar el cambio global
Un estudio ayuda a comprender las limitaciones futuras ante servicios esenciales como la fertilidad del suelo y la regulaciĂłn de clima
iDiv Biodiversity Research (@idiv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New study in nature Geoscience: Environmental stressors weaken ecosystem resistance to global change.🌍Analysis of 1,023 global change experiments shows increased vulnerability with more stressors, such as drought, overgrazing, and fires. Eisenhauer Lab

New study in <a href="/Nature/">nature</a> Geoscience: Environmental stressors weaken ecosystem resistance to global change.🌍Analysis of 1,023 global change experiments shows increased vulnerability with more stressors, such as drought, overgrazing, and fires. <a href="/EisenhauerLab/">Eisenhauer Lab</a>
IRNAS Sevilla (@irnas_csic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ArtĂ­culo IRNAS Sevilla Csic BioFunLab TĂ­tulo: Plant species and associated root nutritional traits influence soil dominant bacteria in coastal wetlands across China Autor: Li, Jing et al...

ArtĂ­culo <a href="/IRNAS_CSIC/">IRNAS Sevilla</a>  Csic <a href="/BioFunLab/">BioFunLab</a> 
TĂ­tulo:     Plant species and associated root nutritional traits influence soil dominant bacteria in coastal wetlands across China
Autor:  Li, Jing et al...
IRNAS Sevilla (@irnas_csic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ArtĂ­culo publicado IRNAS Sevilla BioFunLab TĂ­tulo: Aboveground and belowground biodiversity have complementary effects on ecosystem functions across global grasslands Autor: Martins, Catarina S. C. et al...

ArtĂ­culo publicado <a href="/IRNAS_CSIC/">IRNAS Sevilla</a> <a href="/BioFunLab/">BioFunLab</a> 
TĂ­tulo:  Aboveground and belowground biodiversity have complementary effects on ecosystem functions across global grasslands
Autor:  Martins, Catarina S. C. et al...