Bethany Jade Wright (@bethanyjwright) 's Twitter Profile
Bethany Jade Wright


EYFS Teacher , Early Reading Leader and PE Lead ❤️

ID: 1035478278495195136

calendar_today31-08-2018 10:43:54

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EYFS@Waverley (@waverleyoak) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Enhancements have been made to our EYFS environment to reflect the interests of the children and to support our themes for next term. #languagerichenviornment #EYFS #finemotorskills WaverleyAcademy

Enhancements have been made to our EYFS environment  to reflect the interests of the children and to support our themes for next term. #languagerichenviornment #EYFS #finemotorskills <a href="/AcademyWaverley/">WaverleyAcademy</a>
WaverleyAcademy (@academywaverley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fantastic enhancements in our EYFS classrooms, to develop ‘awe and wonder’ and promote a love of stories and oracy #readingfloatsonaseaoftalk #beingbrilliant ⭐️

Fantastic enhancements in our EYFS classrooms, to develop ‘awe and wonder’ and promote a love of stories and oracy #readingfloatsonaseaoftalk #beingbrilliant ⭐️
EYFS@Waverley (@waverleyoak) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It was lovely to see one of our reception children independently revisiting their write dance lesson in provision today 😍🌟❤️

WaverleyAcademy (@academywaverley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are absolutely delighted to be able to share our recent Ofsted report, that recognises Waverley Academy as a ‘GOOD’ school, which is warm and welcoming,where pupil character is developed and leaders have high expectations of pupils, who are well behaved…

Bethany Jade Wright (@bethanyjwright) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It was lovely to hear the children using their mathematical skills this morning to measure out the right amount of ingredients ❤️😍

Asma Maqsood-Shah FCCT (@asmamaqsoodshah) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nothing but the best of provisions will do for our pupils. Cannot wait to see how the children react when they see this. #AweAndWonder #EYFSWaverley #Excellence Nicky Turner EYFS

Cambridgeshire PE (@cambs_pe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The amount of work, and shoe leather that has been invested by @afpe and its taskforce to get this over the line must be acknowledged. Respect to Edward Timpson CBE KC for his dogmatic support for our subject too. He has been 'true to his why'! #PEmakeskidslivesbetter

EYFS@Waverley (@waverleyoak) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In EYFS we use repeated reads to introduce children to a wide range of words they would rarely hear/use to increase their knowledge of vocabulary and concepts to help them understand the world around them.

In EYFS we use repeated reads to introduce children to a wide range of words they would rarely hear/use to increase their knowledge of vocabulary and concepts to help them understand the world around them.
EYFS@Waverley (@waverleyoak) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our core text this term is ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We have set up story telling props to promote comprehension and expressive vocabulary. We want children to use their imagination to expand their ideas and create visual images of the story.

Our core text this term is ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We have set up story telling props to promote comprehension and expressive vocabulary. We want children to use their imagination to expand their ideas and create visual images of the story.
EYFS@Waverley (@waverleyoak) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In EYFS we create provocations to spark interest, stimulate thoughts and ideas and encourage questioning- all which help children to understand, learn and develop.

In EYFS we create provocations to spark interest, stimulate thoughts and ideas and encourage questioning- all which help children to understand, learn and develop.
Bethany Jade Wright (@bethanyjwright) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you to @Foundation_MWP for opening your setting. The visit was inspirational and breathtaking. I was blown away from start to finish. I can’t wait to start making changes within my own setting. Thank you to all of your staff and who made the visit warm and welcome ❤️

Thank you to @Foundation_MWP for opening your setting. The visit was inspirational and breathtaking. I was blown away from start to finish. I can’t wait to start making changes within my own setting. Thank you to all of your staff and who made the visit warm and welcome ❤️
Louise Stanton (@louises34334411) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are so lucky to have Bethany Jade Wright WaverleyAcademy. Her early years environment is stunning, and a joy to be in, forever adapting to children’s needs and next steps. #proud #Beingbrilliant ⭐️