Shelonda Berry
Child of God, Wife, Mother, Legal Assistant, and Business Owner, Co-Owner Team H2O Elite
ID: 1056017203173187584
27-10-2018 02:58:15
1,1K Tweet
518 Takipçi
851 Takip Edilen

Awesome Night for me Last night. I don’t get to receive this without the help from my team #werunasone and you know #webleedmaroon Mariah Miller Julia Baker nadea_smith SkylarPatten Lauren Pean Nala Franklin ..etc X only gives me a few characters #myentireteam

Very proud of you Ashley Hill

Congratulations JordanAdairBrooks (#22) on receiving offer to play at Lady Pirates WBB Thanks @MzMs_Jonesand CoachRon Kyle Sandy @teamH2Oelite TBerry Willie Roy Puckett Jr Michael Williams

Congratulations JordanAdairBrooks (#22)

Congratulations Tre’Miyah “Trigger Tre” Berry for receiving the Player of the Year award for 6A Region 3! Rockdale/Newton Citizen Kyle Sandy @teamH2Oelite TBerry Rockdale Bulldogs Michael Williams Atlanta TipClub