Benedikt Koell
Cardiologist in training at University Heart & Vascular Center Hamburg, Germany
ID: 918407514361946112
12-10-2017 09:26:29
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Great case presentation by Moritz Seiffert at #HamburgInterventions on ViV #TAVI in patients with risk for coronary obstruction using the ShortCut device. Beautiful result in a highly complex anatomy.

Interesting case presentation by Niklas Schofer at #HamburgInterventions on transseptal transcatheter mitral valve replacement #TMVR in patients ineligible for MV TEER using the HighLife device. Promising results with this new device.

Professor Mark Petrie with an excellent keynote on REVIVED-BCIS2 at #HamburgInterventions Nils Soerensen Benedikt Schrage Benedikt Koell Daniel Kalbacher Lara Waldschmidt Christoph Waldeyer Fabian Brunner Peter Clemmensen Niklas Schofer

Excellent keynote lecture by Prof. Petrie on challenges in coronary revascularizationin in HF patients, the REVIVED trial and beyond, at the Hamburg Interventions today! Moritz Seiffert Peter Clemmensen Young DGK Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie

Hey AG Junge Rheumatologie, what do you think? 42-year-old patient thrombocytopenia 30/microliter anemia 9.1 g/dl CRP 114mg/l LDH 810 U/L CK 331 U/l normal haptoglobin MRI and CT scan below Find the answer👇 #rheumatology #rheumtwitter

Our latest study on #TMVR or #TEER for secondary MR has just been published in European Society of Cardiology Journals. Great collaborative effort by the CHOICE-MI and EuroSMR investigators! Daniel Kalbacher Lenard Conradi thomas modine Juan F. Granada Augustin Coisne jörg hausleiter onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.10…

Hot off the press: Read our debate on current challenges of TMVR published in EuroIntervention! David J. Cohen, MD, MSc Nicolo Piazza PCRonline 🫀 Cardiovascular Research Foundation TCTMD eurointervention.pcronline.com/article/transc…

Glad to share the last study from the #Trivalve registry presented at #THT2023 by Andrea Scotti with simpub in #JACCINT JACC Journals 🎯Increased discharge TVG was not sig. assoc. w/ adverse outcomes after tricuspid #TEER 🔎bit.ly/3ToJh9S Azeem Latib Maurizio taramasso

🌟Privileged to share this with my friend Augustin Coisne and have the incredible support of Azeem Latib Maurizio taramasso Presented today #THT2023 Cardiovascular Research Foundation Published now JACC Journals 🌐 jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.… Great coverage TCTMD Caitlin E. Cox 🌐 tctmd.com/news/higher-gr…

Prime-MR retrospektive Analyse von TEER aufgrund prim. MI 2008 - 2022 ➡️1) M-TEER wird sicherer (M-VARC) ➡️2) postinterv. Ergebnis wird besser (zuletzt 70% trace postinterv) ➡️3) 1-Jahr follow: M-TEER immer stabiler Young DGK Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie #DGKJahrestagung #CardioTwitter

Proud to see Jonas Lehmacher from University Center of Cardiovascular Science (UCCS) presenting data on the additive prognostic utility of biomarkers beyond traditional risk factors in the young investigator award session. #DGKJahrestagung

More than 1,400pts randomized to TAVI or SAVR: 🎯≥65 years 🎯low/intermediate risk 🎯all contemporary devices 🎯designed to mirror clinical reality 🎯independent IIT, funded by DZHK Germany Deutsche Herzstiftung 🗓️first results expected early 2024 🙏A big thank you to all collaborators

Ever wondered if your patient with myocardial injury has an acute or chronic problem? In our analysis from the BACCstudy published JACC Journals we tested if a combination of different hs-Tn assays help to distinguish acute from chronic myocardial injury authors.elsevier.com/a/1h-%7Er2d9GH…

DANKE für 2 fantastische Tage, die viel zu schnell vorbei gegangen sind! 💙 So tolle Speaker & Teilnehmer, so viel Interaktion & Diskussion, so super Gastgeber 🫶 Philipp Breitbart Anna Hohneck UHZ Freiburg - Bad Krozingen Dirk Westermann Céleste Chevalier Lara Waldschmidt @Card_Vasc_MMM Lucas Bacmeister

Nur noch wenige Tage bis zu den HAMBURG INTERVENTIONS 🗓️ 13. Jan. 2024 🏢Hotel Empire Riverside 🎯 Spannende Vorträge, Fälle u. Diskussionen #PCI #TAVI #TEER Das komplette Programm: hamburg-interventions.de/programm/ Jetzt noch anmelden und Plätze sichern: hamburg-interventions.de/anmeldung/

🔎 Mitral Regurgitation, The Left Atrium and Atrial Fibrillation: Unlikely Bedfellows or Natural Kindreds? 🎯 Happy to share the editorial performed with my friends Mani Vannan & Patrizio Lancellotti regarding the study from Yafasov et al. 🌐 academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/ar…