(@benediktehinger) 's Twitter Profile
[email protected]


Comp-CogSci TT-Prof - I don't toot here anymore.

Visit me at @[email protected]

ID: 811925436519378944

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Makie (@makieplots) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're really happy to announce a Geo visualization track for #MakieCon23 :) Looking forward to have this area much more polished in Makie!

We're really happy to announce a Geo visualization track for #MakieCon23 :) Looking forward to have this area much more polished in Makie!
Maria Wirzberger (she/her) (@wirzbergerm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Half time! With three successful years in the #TenureTrack process now behind me, I am looking forward to the second half! A very warm thank you to everyone who has accompanied me through the ups and downs of my journey so far! #WomenInScience #WomenInSTEM #womenintech #Career

Natalie Schaworonkow (@nschawor) 's Twitter Profile Photo

list of summer schools & short courses in the realm of computational neuroscience or data analysis of EEG / MEG / LFP and the like:…

Michael Eisen (@mbeisen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We have a large (~1000 people) & diverse editorial board. There are many editors who are enthusiastic about our efforts. There are also many - probably the majority - who understand the desire and need for change, but aren't confident the community is ready for it.

Makie (@makieplots) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just released Makie v0.19.4 with lots of small fixes and improvements! Great work by all contributors :)…

Just released Makie v0.19.4 with lots of small fixes and improvements!
Great work by all contributors :)…
Nicolas Roth (@_nicolasroth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We have a new preprint on bioRxiv 🎉 where my supervisors Klaus Obermayer, Martin Rolfs, Olaf Hellwich, and I (all Science of Intelligence) show that "Objects guide human gaze behavior in dynamic real-world scenes" using a computational modeling approach. A thread🧵(1/11) (@benediktehinger) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New paper: "Decoding acc. as well as ERP ampl. do not show between-task correlations" tldr: - high decoding acc. in ERN != high decoding acc. in e.g. N400 - strong N170 != strong e.g. P300… with HannesBonasch - AcademicEEG

New paper: "Decoding acc. as well as ERP ampl. do not show between-task correlations"

tldr: - high decoding acc. in ERN != high decoding acc. in e.g. N400
- strong N170 != strong e.g. P300…

with HannesBonasch -
<a href="/AcademicEEG/">AcademicEEG</a>
SimTech_Stuttgart (@simtechstuttga2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢Join us! #SimTech proudly announces its 2nd International Summer School on “Research Software Engineering with #Julia: Basics, Visualization, and Statistics” with contributions from @debruine@tech🐘lgbt, Douglas Bates, and #HendrikRanocha. See 💻 for more!

📢Join us! #SimTech proudly announces its 2nd International Summer School on “Research Software Engineering with #Julia: Basics, Visualization, and Statistics” with contributions from <a href="/LisaDeBruine/">@debruine@tech🐘lgbt</a>, <a href="/BatesDmbates/">Douglas Bates</a>, and #HendrikRanocha. See 💻 for more! (@benediktehinger) 's Twitter Profile Photo

‼#summerschool‼ ~ Research Software Engineering (RSE) with #julialang: Basics, Visualization, and Statistics ~ You are at the beginning of your #PhD? You need a foundation in RSE (from #git to #CI)? Stuttgart, Oct. 9-13 - apply ❗EXTENDED 27 July!

Kidical Mass Stuttgart 🦒🚲 (@kidicalmass_s) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 Mach mit beim Globalen #Klimastreik am Freitag, den 15.9.2023. Los geht's um 14 Uhr auf dem Schlossplatz. Wir sind auch mit dabei, denn es geht um die Zukunft der Kinder. Wir freuen uns auf euch!

📢 Mach mit beim Globalen #Klimastreik am Freitag, den 15.9.2023. Los geht's um 14 Uhr auf dem Schlossplatz.

Wir sind auch mit dabei, denn es geht um die Zukunft der Kinder. Wir freuen uns auf euch! (@benediktehinger) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎓 2x 100% TVL13 positions for #PhD or #postdoc🎓 New Emmy-Noether project "#EEG in motion" in Stuttgart Join us to understand the brain with self-, object- and eye-movements! Please share & support a young lab :) #EEG #eyetracking #machinelearning #RSE

🎓 2x 100% TVL13 positions for #PhD or #postdoc🎓

New Emmy-Noether project "#EEG in motion" in Stuttgart

Join us to understand the brain with self-, object- and eye-movements!

Please share &amp; support a young lab :)
#EEG #eyetracking #machinelearning #RSE
jobRxiv (@jobrxiv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2x PhD or PostDoc "EEG in Motion" @benediktehinger Emmy-Noether project "#EEG in motion" Join us to understand the #brain with self-, object- and #eyemovements!… #cognition #EEG #eye_tracking #machine_le...…

SimTech_Stuttgart (@simtechstuttga2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In the Computational Cognitive Science Lab with TT-Prof. [email protected], we currently have openings for: 🥼🥼2x PhD or PostDoc researchers on “EEG in motion” 🧠 on 100% TVL-13 positions for 3.5 years (extension possible). More info:…

In the Computational Cognitive Science Lab with TT-Prof. <a href="/BenediktEhinger/"></a>, we currently have openings for:
🥼🥼2x PhD or PostDoc researchers on “EEG in motion” 🧠
on 100% TVL-13 positions for 3.5 years (extension possible). More info:… (@benediktehinger) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out our survey-paper on M//EEG visualisation practice. Come for the overview of evoked plots, stat for the discussion on color maps 🌈 (And apply for our open positions ;-))

Uni Stuttgart (@uni_stuttgart) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Herzlichen Glückwunsch SimTech_Stuttgart Junior Prof. [email protected] am #VIS der #UniStuttgart, der erfolgreich eine #EmmyNoether #Nachwuchsgruppe der #DFG eingeworben hat 💐👏! Das Projekt "EEG in Bewegung" erhält 1,4 Mio € Förderung für 6 Jahre. 👉

Herzlichen Glückwunsch <a href="/SimTechStuttga2/">SimTech_Stuttgart</a> Junior Prof. <a href="/BenediktEhinger/"></a> am #VIS der #UniStuttgart, der erfolgreich eine #EmmyNoether #Nachwuchsgruppe der #DFG eingeworben hat 💐👏! Das Projekt "EEG in Bewegung" erhält 1,4 Mio € Förderung für 6 Jahre. 