Benedict Coombes
Wheat genomics, wild relative introgressions and genome evolution. PhD student: @a_hall_lab | @ajwhall | @earlhaminst
ID: 1207701925396992001
19-12-2019 16:39:19
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As a wet lab biologist who is now doing more #Bioinformatics projects than lab work, I just want to share my journey of how I got here. And thank some of the many people that helped along the way. It all started with my first PAG 31 / PAG Australia / PAG Asia in 2014…

Congratulations to Dr Lorna McAusland on her Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Discovery Fellowship for research examining novel ways the wheat flower can tolerate rising climate temperatures UoNBiosciences Full story here: tinyurl.com/mvcpuay2

"Wheat provides more global calories than any other crop." In today's Eastern Daily Press there's a great piece about the progress being made at Norwich Research Park Park in making wheat a more resilient crop to cope with climate change by researchers at @earlhamInst & @johninnescentre

Meet the Norwich researchers working to improve the resilience of future #wheat #crops against the impacts of #climatechange, via Eastern Daily Press. #wheatresearch Anthony Hall John Innes Centre Norwich Research Park okt.to/34CiDX

Thank you Eastern Daily Press for the coverage 🙂🌱 Can't wait to get started - stay tuned 🙂 edp24.co.uk/news/23387417.…

Three field approaches to study wheat responses to heat stress CIMMYT HeDWIC Hub: 1) simulating heat waves (amb temp >4 °C/5d), 2) increasing night temp at key GS with ceramic plates and 3) late sowing 🌾🥵Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) Francisco Pinto Carlos Robles Erik Murchie Enrico A. Yepez

Manuel Spannagl and I are pleased to share with you our latests output on the wheat pantranscripton. A great international collaboration with the 10 plus wheat genome project Earlham Institute Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Wheat Initiative biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

Great to finally share our work on the #wheat #pantranscriptome, corresponding data and annotations are publicly available by toronto agreement - links in preprint! Also be sure to check out Anthony Hall talk at PAG 31 / PAG Australia / PAG Asia!! 🌾🌾 Earlham Institute Plant Genome and Systems Biology Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Wheat Initiative

Great to see another student get their Ph.D. Well done, Benedict Coombes, and thanks, Neil Hall Robbie Waugh. Read Bens papers scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user… NRPDTP Earlham Institute