Cristian Bellodi
ID: 1014736396408492032
https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/research-groups/rna-and-stem-cell-biology 05-07-2018 05:03:04
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Excited to share our latest work on liver growth + regeneration. Diverse hepatocytes carry out distinct functions, but it is still unclear which ones are the source of new hepatocytes. Yonglong Wei discovered that cells in zone 2 repopulate the liver. science.sciencemag.org/content/371/65…

Please join RNA structure meets function at the archipelago in Stockholm Sweden. 18/87 submissions will be selected for talks. Enjoy discussion around RNA and new methods to explore. organized by Ning Xu Landén, Cristian Bellodi @HennigLab and me. pl RT :)

Excited to share our latest work revealing a key role for pseudouridine-modified tRNA fragments in translation control during leukemogenesis in MDS. Big congrats to Nicola Sowndarya Muthukumar Maciej Ciesla and co-authors! nature.com/articles/s4155…

Big congratulations to Sowndarya Muthukumar on receiving the prestigious Postdoctoral fellowship from Cancerfonden!!! Well done! 👍

Last week Cancerfonden distributed 37 million SEK to 8 #cancer researchers Lund University. Congrats to all including our own Sowndarya Muthukumar, a #postdoc #researcher at the Center, who is among the grantees!!🥳 Keep an eye out for an upcoming interview with Sandy in April 👀

For more info on the research done by Sowndarya Muthukumar and the Cristian Bellodi Research Group, you can visit 👉 bit.ly/3LkNNRx

Our work has been highlighted by the Oxford Academic as influential research in 2022!

Check out our new story linking RNA epitranscriptomic, translation control and splicing in leukemia. Big congrats to Maciej Ciesla and co-authors!!! sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

🌟Cheers to Lund Stem Cell Center's Assoc. Prof. Joan Yuan, one of the brilliant minds at Lund University to receive an Erika Crawford Consolidator Grant! The goal? Unravel the role of early life B Cells in shaping the adult #immune system. #ECoG Joan_Yuan_Lab Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds universitet Read👇 stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/erc-gr…

Excited to share our new NRMCB review on the roles of tRNA-derived small RNAs rdcu.be/dvea6 A fantastic collaboration with the Liu lab ShanghaiTech University for a great start of 2024! 🍾

Fantastic to see the story out! Big congrats David David Bryder, Anna Konturek-Ciesla and team!!!