BU Geography
Official account for Geography (Daearyddiaeth) at @BangorUni. Follow us for news, updates, events, student activities & staff research. English/Cymraeg 🌍
ID: 1664661823
https://www.bangor.ac.uk/natural-sciences/undergraduate-courses/geography 12-08-2013 09:31:51
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Awydd astudio #Hanes / #Treftadaeth mewn prifysgol? Beth am fynychu ein Hysgol Haf am ddim i gael blas? Prifysgol Bangor Thinking of studying #History / #Heritage at university? Why not attend our free Summer School to get a taste? Bangor University forms.office.com/pages/response…
And here in Bangor we even have our own archives for you to access Archifau Prifysgol Bangor University Archives for your diss project 👇
Time for Geography video: Physical geography of the Southern Ocean featuring The Curious Geographer YuengDjernPole2Pole. In partnership with @bangorSNS Ocean Sciences BU Geography Bangor University timeforgeography.co.uk/videos-contain…
Time for Geography video: Evidence of UK glaciation and deglaciation featuring Harriet Ridley. In partnership with @bangorSNS Ocean Sciences BU Geography Bangor University Keele Geography Courses Keele GGE @MMUsste Manchester Metropolitan Uni timeforgeography.co.uk/videos-list/gl…
In this video, the Time for Geography team are out in the field looking at --> Causes of Tsunamis | developed in partnership with @bangorSNS Ocean Sciences BU Geography Bangor University Geography & Environment | University of Dundee | Harriet Ridley Sue Dawson Geography & Environment | University of Dundee Jaco H. Baas 🇪🇺🏴🇳🇱⚒️⛰️🌊🚶🥘🎶⚽ timeforgeography.co.uk/videos-list/pl…
Geographers are interdisciplinary innovators, shaping the future of our world 🌍. Discover where geography could take you next in this video from @bangorSNS Ocean Sciences BU Geography Bangor University timeforgeography.co.uk/videos-list/fu…
Coasts Community Insight video on Time for Geography, provided in partnership with @bangorSNS Ocean Sciences BU Geography Bangor University timeforgeography.co.uk/videos-list/co…
A video to help students understand Physical geography of the Southern Ocean on Time for Geography | with @bangorSNS Ocean Sciences BU Geography Bangor University | The Curious Geographer YuengDjernPole2Pole timeforgeography.co.uk/videos-contain…
Coasts Community Insight video on Time for Geography | with @bangorSNS Ocean Sciences BU Geography Bangor University timeforgeography.co.uk/videos-list/co…
This week our colleagues Dr Rebecca Jones, Dr Richard Dallison & Dr Lynda Yorke are all attending/presenting research at the Enhancing Fieldwork at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) #virtualreality #fieldwork #edi #futures