The Bárány Society is an international interdisciplinary society that facilitates contact between scientists and clinicians involved in vestibular reserach.
ID: 1726626854390595584
20-11-2023 15:41:50
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Maximilian U. Friedrich starting our day BaranySociety with a fantastic lecture on how a specific midbrain circuit (NPC) contributes to vergence, which is critical in patients with concussion and Parkinson’s among others! #barany2024 #vestibular #neuropearls
Day 4 BaranySociety Meeting 2024: Acute Vertigo & Telemedicine (Home-based testing and treatment) #barany2024 #barany #vestibular #vestibularrehab
Delighted to be at my first Bárány Society meeting in beautiful Uppsala, Sweden. Exciting updates from Dr Mo Sahib Mahmud presenting evidence that nGVS can also enhance balance responses to external perturbations. BaranySociety
Finally, I got time to summarize my first BaranySociety conference which was incredibly inspiring and motivating! I met and talked to LIVING LEGENDS such as Prof. Halmagyi, Prof. Ian Curthoys and Prof. Bronstein :)
سعدت بتلبية دعوة د.مايكل شيبرد بالحضور و المشاركة بمؤتمر Bàràny Society Meeting BaranySociety تجمع رائع لأهم علماء تخصص ال Vestibular المؤتمر كان غني بآخر التطورات البحثية و العلمية و الإكلينيكية بهذا التخصص الفريد متحمسة لنقل المعرفة التي اكتسبتها و تطوير بحوثي✨