Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, Birmingham Museums Trust. See the Victorian Radicals exhibition Weds-Sun, Gas Hall. The rest of the museum is currently closed.
ID: 78942172
https://www.birminghammuseums.org.uk/birmingham-museum-and-art-gallery 01-10-2009 16:20:34
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We love this feedback from #InPursuitofRepetitiveBeats visitors! This immersive, interactive VR adventure is Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery until 1 Sept. Book your ticket to experience it for yourself: birminghammuseums.org.uk/events/in-purs…

Our ever popular open day is coming up so make sure you book tickets here. There's object handling, expert talks, story telling & a free vintage bus ride which will bring you to MCC in style from Snow Hill. Don't miss out on what promises to be a great day birminghammuseums.org.uk/events/museum-…

This video shows how Ford Madox Brown's drawings contributed to his final painting of The Last of England! (The portrait of Emma Hill has been shrunk to position for this). You can see The Last of England on display in the #VictorianRadicals exhibition Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

For Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery I've written about Birmingham's great Pre-Raphaelite painter, Edward Burne-Jones #botd 1883. He took inspiration from fairytales, myths and his industrial hometown - where a pub is named after his Briar Rose masterpiece birminghammuseums.org.uk/stories/edward… Birmingham Cathedral

In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery is now SOLD OUT! Thank you so much to everyone who visited & those still to visit! If you missed out, don't worry as it will be going on tour around the country. More info: eastcityfilms.com/news/beats-uk-…

Hey #BrumHour 🐝 Networking with #Birmingham. Happy September. Excited for Bham Heritage Week this month! So many exciting events including a Made in Birmingham Tour at Thinktank Science Museum part of Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. birminghammuseums.org.uk/events/made-in… #brumhour #bheritageweek

Join local expert Mike Byrne in a stroll around the village of #Yardley to celebrate Bham Heritage Week. Discover the hidden #history of the area & its #historic buildings including (exterior only) St Edburgha's Church & the timber-framed old grammar school. To book: birminghammuseums.org.uk/events/birming…

#GeekyGoingsOn Geeky Brummie Thurs 12 & Fri 13 Sept Bham Heritage Week ThinktankPlanetarium Made In Birmingham Tour a 45-minute guided tour of a selection of key Birmingham built objects tinyurl.com/3fpm9x7t

This week's Art UK #OnlineArtExchange theme celebrates celebrate 80 years of The Harris's 'Pauline in The Yellow Dress' 🙌💛 Here's 'Dreamers' c.1882 by Albert Joseph Moore 💤 🏛️ Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery 🔗 artuk.org/discover/artwo…

Some of the stunning stained glass in the #VictorianRadicals Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery exhibition.