BMA Medical Academics
We represent all doctors working in academic medicine. For individual enquiries about the committee contact [email protected].
ID: 1085844859938881537 17-01-2019 10:22:43
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Take part in the REF 2029: People, Culture and Environment Indicators Survey 👇 Research England Scottish Funding Council HEFCW | CCAUC Economy NI #REF2029 Technopolis Group
🚨 New in The Lancet: Academy President Professor Andrew Morris PMedSci calls on Government to prioritise NHS research as a catalyst for better health and economic growth. He also outlines 5 key areas to strengthen UK health research. Read the article 👇…
Thanks Waljit Dhillo & for your support on SFP as an intro to clinical academia for many. BMA hope some resolution will happen soon on SFP selection. Long-term it may be good for SFPs to link in the NIHR Academy & integrated academic training? Deborah Sharp David Cloke David Strain
Congratulations to the new BMA Medical Students Committee Chair Rob Tucker! You can read about his priorities for the year here:…
For all SU Medical School & Swansea University interested in parasitology - don't miss this chance to hear Peter L Chiodini in ILS1 on 3rd Sept! Details 👇 Please share Geertje van Keulen Claire Price Dr Aidan Seeley 🥼💊
Consultants in Northern Ireland vote YES to accept Department of Health pay offer Consultant members, check your inboxes for an email update 📧 Read the full statement from David Farren here:
Junior doctors in England, if you haven't received your email to vote in the the referendum, check your inbox/junk folder for an email from [email protected]. If you haven't received it, let us know. If you're eligible to vote, we'll send you a new one 👇
Today, guidance has been released for SFP (Specialised Foundation Programme) recruitment:… We'll continue to lobby UKFPO, NHS England and the Medical Schools Council for fair merit-based recruitment across all four nations BMA Northern Ireland BMA Cymru Wales BMA Scotland