Bernie Custis Secondary School
Whats happening at BCSS? We are a brand new state of the art high school in the core of the city. Follow for announcements and more!
ID: 1096455193422573569
http://www.hwdsb.on.ca/berniecustis/ 15-02-2019 17:04:24
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Guess who is in the house? Bernie Custis Secondary School is hosting the Hamilton Tiger-Cats Forge FC at our spring pep rally. Many thanks for the generous gift towards our athletic program.

A warm welcome to some of the guys at the Bernie Custis Secondary School pep rally today! 🎉 #Ticats | #CFL

Ti-Cats series, “Future Business Leaders” continues at Bernie Custis. Learning about pathways outside of being a player connected to sports industries. Thanks to Courtney G Stephen and the partners of Hamilton Tiger-Cats for continued partnerships with our students.HWDSB

Have a wonderful summer BCSS Tigers. Many good wishes to Ms Fox, who is starting her retirement journey, Mr. Goodram, who will be principal at Westdale SS, and Ms. Sykes, taking a sabbatical this year. Sofia Fox Brian Goodram Educator Sykes #BCSS #Tigerforever #Summer2022