Australia's Mental Health Think Tank
Joining forces to stimulate bold thinking and action around a national response to mental health
ID: 1341162850455232512
https://mentalhealththinktank.org.au/ 21-12-2020 23:25:48
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Think Tank member Pat Dudgeon has launched the Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project. Pat's world-first initiative is "decolonising and Indigenising psychology education in Australia". Read more here: nit.com.au/22-03-2024/104…

Think Tank members Phil Batterham,Helen Christensen and chair Prof Maree Teesson AC, published a report on key themes from the Satellite Meeting of the Global Consortium for Depression Prevention. The report highlights the need for large scale prevention trials. wellcome.figshare.com/articles/onlin…

TWTR is… Mental health: Productivity Commission inquiry report ➡️apo.org.au/node/309475 This 2020 report recommended reforms that modelling showed would derive benefits of up to $18b p.a. And require expenditure of up to $4.2b p.a. Productivity Commission Matt Berriman #auspol

In The Conversation - Australia + New Zealand Think Tank member Prof Ian Hickie & Dr Jake Crouse discuss the interplay of factors influencing dev of depression. Life stressors play a key role, supporting Think Tank recs to address youth social connection & financial insecurity. theconversation.com/we-looked-at-g…

Economic insecurity, high cost of living, job loss & housing stress are drivers of mental-ill health. New ABC News piece illustrates how these are impacting young Aussies: abc.net.au/news/2024-03-2… Australia's Mental Health Think Tank advocates for policy addressing financial drivers of youth mental health

Young Aussies are facing an economic crisis and feel federal budget measures to address cost of living, especially housing are insufficient. The Australia's Mental Health Think Tank Youth Recovery Plan recommends changes to address economic and social drivers of mental health. abc.net.au/news/2024-05-2…

Think Tank member Prof Tom Calma was awarded honorary Doctor of Letters from @Usyd last week. Prof Calma is recognised for his work in human rights and social justice, as well as his contribution to the public sector. Congratulations Tom, so well deserved! sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/n…

Think Tank member John McGrath's recent paper in Intl Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research explores data from the first comprehensive survey of mental health in Qatar + provides an insightful discussion on mental health epi methods ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… Wiley Clinical Health 👏

Think Tank Chair Prof Prof Maree Teesson AC has been busy recently with policy advocacy around youth vaping, co-design & mental health. Here's a summary of recent parliamentary inquiries, meetings with Ministers & work with The Matilda Centre's Youth Advisory Board. sydney.edu.au/matilda-centre…

Think Tank member Prof Tom Calma has been appointed to University of Sydney's Senate as an external fellow. Tom was appointed by the NSW Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education for a four-year term. Congratulations Tom! 🎉 Read about Tom's appointment: sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/n…

Thrilled to see Scarlett Smout & Dr Marlee Bower at the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry: a framework for performance reporting and driving wellbeing outcomes in NSW today!

On R U OK? Day, Australia's Mental Health Think Tank member Prof. Frances Kay-Lambkin reminds us of the importance of mental health and checking in on one another. Read more Newcastle Weekly: newcastleweekly.com.au/time-for-us-al…