Asher Leeks
I study social evolution in viruses. @JSMF Fellow @Yale with @PaulTurnerLab. Assistant Professor @ZoologyUBC starting March 2025.
ID: 892878943539396608 02-08-2017 22:45:03
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Looking to hire a post-doc interested in disease ecology/evolution, population genetics, and biodiversity. Please get in touch if you are interested in joining the King Lab! UBC Science UBC Zoology UBC Dept of Microbiology and Immunology
Rare opportunity to join my team, as the PLOS Biology in-house editorial team is growing! It's a great team in a great journal, if I say so myself 😆 Please reach out if your have Qs & apply if interested!! UK or US; assoc or senior Please RT…
Tom Scott (not on Twitter) is also presenting a poster "Kin-discriminating partner choice promotes the evolution of helping" (Mon, 17:30, poster board G1)--a collaboration with Geoff Wild (Geoff Wild). #Evol2024
Undergrad Liya Miksovsky (Mon, 5:45-8:15PM, 220 DE) will present her work with Asher Leeks demonstrating the evolution of social cheating in M13, which was underlain by an unexpected genetic cause🧬.
Finally, Posdoc Asher Leeks (Tues, 4:45-5PM, 520D) is discussing his recent theoretical work that explores the dynamics of social cheating during viral infection. His model suggests that viral social interactions may shape human disease outcomes more than previously thought 😷.
We're hiring here UBC Zoology in comparative physiology! Come be my colleague in a fantastic department! If you have any questions about the department, UBC, or Vancouver, please don't hesitate to ask. Please spread widely.
Come join us at beautiful University of British Columbia! We are seeking a colleague studying the evolution of zoonoses UBC Dept of Microbiology and Immunology UBC Math Department UBC Science
Time to announce: I’ve just started a position as an Assistant Professor in Zoology (Animal Behaviour) at Trinity College Dublin School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin ! The lab’s gonna work on integrative studies of social and spatial behaviour and their effects on disease dynamics. Can’t wait.
Meet #TEDxNE Mind+Life conference speaker Asher Leeks! Asher is an incoming assistant professor of evolutionary biology at the University of British Columbia who studies social evolution in viruses. Asher will speak during conference session 2: LIFE at our inaugural event on 9/25: