AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile
AROO 🌴💫⚖️


Some women fear the fire, some simply become it

ID: 334844395

calendar_today13-07-2011 19:15:47

9,9K Tweet


977 Following

Adhadhu (@adhadhumv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ތިލަފުށީގައި ހުރި މެރިންޑޯ މެރިންވޯކްސް ވޯކްޝޮޕްގައި މިއަދު ހެނދުނު ރޯވެއްޖެ. "މެރިންޑޯ ވޯކްޝޮޕުގައި" ހެނދުނު 8:25 ގައި ރޯވި އެ އަލިފާނުގެ ސަބަބުން އެއްވެސް މީހަކަށް ގެއްލުންވި ކަމެއް ނޭނގެ. ނަމަވެސް ރޯވެފައި ހުރި އިމާރާތުން މީހަކު ފުންމާލި މަންޒަރު ފެނުނު ކަމަށް ބައެއް މީހުން

Dr Mohamed Muizzu (@mmuizzu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

އިސްލާމްދީނާއި ޚިލާފް ނުވާ ގޮތަށް ހެދުން އަޅާނަމަ، އެމީހަކު އަޅާފައި ހުންނަ ހެދުމެއްގެ ސަބަބުން ވަޒީފާދިނުމުގައި އަދި ވަޒީފާ އަދާކުރުމުގައި އެއްވެސް ތަފާތެއް ކޮށްގެންނުވާނެ! އެ ތަފާތުކުރުން ގެނުވާގޮތަށް ކުރީގައި ހަދާ އަދިވެސް ޢަމަަލުކުރަމުންދާ ހުރިހާ ގަވާއިދުތަކާއި އުސޫލުތައް

AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Vaki thaaku masahkai kuraathy loaan hama nujeheyne vaahaka! Company ah neh ithubaaraa hedhee farudhy haggu dhiyun zinma vaanee kon baeh!? Ithubaaru nukurevey sababuves onnan vaane !

• (@alhamdhulillaah) 's Twitter Profile Photo

رب إني لما أنزلت إلي من خير فقير [Rabbi innī limā anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqīr] My Lord! I am indeed needy of whatever good You may send to me

رب إني لما أنزلت إلي من خير فقير

[Rabbi innī limā anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqīr]

My Lord! I am indeed needy of whatever good You may send to me
AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Beynun vany adhah vure faagathi maadhama ekey buney, beynun vany kushuge veshin meehun salamaai kuranshey buney! Ehen nama thima ah eh mujthamau bina kuran kurevey masahkathaky kobaatho balan jehey! Hus vaahaka dhehkumah vure amal gina vaan jehey ✅

AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Raheenu kurevey massla thah eba beleybaa?!!!! Headline ah araa raheenu koh kurevey aniyaage vahaaka!! Maa serious kameh kamah isverin dhekey kameh kamah nudheken! Where things are leading! Horrifying !

AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last nights act was terrifying & i see the headlines getting political!! Faaithu vi thin mas dhuvahu raheenu koh aniya dhevunu case thakeh ebave! Raheen koh meehehge igili buri kuri vaahakaves! Mee kuda kamehtho! Eh headline thah kobatho! Massala belihjetho! Hayyaru kurevunutho!

AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thasleem gehlunuthaa miadhah 06 dhuvas!! Dhathuru dhiya kamah vanee K.Huvafenfushy fasgadakah kamah vaairu Fuluhunnaai Sifainnah Thasleem hoadhan kurevunu masahkatheh eba veyba! Ehisaabuge Kanduge sarahahdhu balaa levunuba! Mee kuda kamehbaa!! Maldives Police Maldives National Defence Force #coastguard

Thasleem gehlunuthaa miadhah 06 dhuvas!! Dhathuru dhiya kamah vanee K.Huvafenfushy fasgadakah kamah vaairu Fuluhunnaai Sifainnah Thasleem hoadhan kurevunu masahkatheh eba veyba! Ehisaabuge Kanduge sarahahdhu balaa levunuba! Mee kuda kamehbaa!! <a href="/PoliceMv/">Maldives Police</a> <a href="/MNDF_Official/">Maldives National Defence Force</a> #coastguard
AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Central park vasha One way ah hadhaafa vany!Rahyithunge rahkatheri kamah!It is my Home area where i Drive every day too,in 2 ways it was shortcuts to home!but now its a long drive! Was + that its safe,its not!People drive so merciless & over take anyway they want! IT IS NOT COOL

AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

He is my brother from another mother. our bodu dhombe!We all had a jolly childhood together,he is always a ready to help person & who is the only son of the family.Its been 01 week & its way too long time to connect dots!Case is mysterious! May he be found safe 🤲 #Findthasleem

Saif Fathih (@aekofathih) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Motorists exceeding 80/90/100 km/h is a common sight on the bridge or main roads of Hulhumale’ without having to face repercussions! Hulhumale’ roads including their shape, length and breadth, intersection layout, signage etc. are not designed in view of safety and preventing

AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dhuhvamun phone in vaahaka nudhahkaan onnaee accident eh vedhane kamah!Truely mihaaru magumathy side ehga madu kohgen phone naganves jehilunve!Who knows tomorrow it may be me or someone else!! Got out after 2 days staying indoors!& i cudnt be myself! Loss of brother & the soul!

AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sticker jehun huhtaa! Free parking bune! Dhen Tow kohfa! Ehbayaku mulhi umuru husvandhen kuri masahkathun ganna cyk, parking area nudhahka hure Tow kohfa! This is how secure you guys keep it! Tow kuran engeema eh vehicla gengossa reechah bahahtan bura vanya vazyfa in kedenveenu!

AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ebaehge siyaasy party in ebayaku hovifa hureeya ebaehge veri akaa bahdhal ves kuraane! Ebayaku hinga offyhahves vannaane! There was a high time Adhadhu had a great impact of keeping people on hot seat! Emme fahuge kuru film ekam thi dhiyaee varah zaathakah! 😳

AROO 🌴💫⚖️ (@aroo_mohd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

PR akee kihaa experienced beyfulheh kan eba feney! Dhaulathuge nishaan jehi verified X account!Why can’t the message be delivered giving hope for next match & praising for the strong commitment team gave, the effort was outstanding. PR ge EQ varugadha kuran training dheyn feney!