Aradhya Nigam, MD
CGSO Fellow, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Graduate, Georgetown University General Surgery
ID: 1396274405194469378
23-05-2021 01:19:29
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Excited to share our article on the National Evaluation of Patterns and Predictors of Under-use of Multimodal Therapy for High-Risk Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma Aradhya Nigam, MD Waddah Al-Refaie SURGERY Journal authors.elsevier.com/c/1eWiA_vecI0KM

Fantastic talk by Georgetown-WHC General Surgery Residency resident and MSKCC_SSit research fellow Aradhya Nigam, MD giving us much to think about re: MTC. He’ll be a rising 🌟 in #surgonc! #SSO2022

AnnalsSurgOncology Social Media Committee on its first meeting. We are committed to share evidence based knowledge in this platform. Great things are about to come! Society of Surgical Oncology Sociedad Mexicana de Oncología, A.C. Instituto Nacional de Cancerología @Twitter Kelly McMasters, MD, PhD Syed A. Ahmad

Understanding mutational drivers behind PDAC is the gateway to unlock the PDAC subtypes that may elucidate potential selective therapy in the future. Should we be molecular profiling for all PDAC? pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29288237/ AnnalsSurgOncology link.springer.com/article/10.124…

In 117 patients with medullary #thyroidcancer, tumor grading is associated with calcitonin doubling times & patient outcomes. ow.ly/Xc4V50KxfG2 Aradhya Nigam, MD American Thyroid Association Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center MSKCC_SSit #ATAthyroid2022 #medtwitter #endotwitter

Excited to share this great study with everyone! Many thanks to all of the coauthors on the study! Philip Spanheimer Georgetown-WHC General Surgery Residency Bin Xu

Thank you AnnalsSurgOncology for giving us a platform to share our work!

Hilar dissection for robotic left lateral living donor hepatectomy Columbia Surgery Complete narrated video: youtu.be/pVO-rgcs54U?si… ASTS SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! SoMe4Transplant

July Issue: #RadioGuidedSurgery with a New-Generation β-Probe for Radiolabeled #Somatostatin Analog, in Patients with Small Intestinal #NeuroendocrineTumors Emilio Bertani Francesco Ceci rdcu.be/dMowH Aradhya Nigam, MD Syed A. Ahmad

Combined use of farnesyltransferase inhibitors and MEK inhibition is a promising strategy for HRAS-mutant tumours. 🔎nature.com/articles/s4138… Aradhya Nigam, MD Walid Chatila Alan Ho Niki Schultz

Thank you for the post! AnnalsSurgOncology